I realise that this might seem strange as I am the one who’s stating it. Not to mention that the science behind it is beyond me.
But based on the broadcasts/data translations available to us, we believe that K-space is what they consider to be their ancient domain and that is was lost to them. We also believe that they consider the drifters to be a newer form of their ancient enemy.
What if they triglavians are preparing to take the fight to their ancient enemy, instead of having them come to them?
We know that abyssal space is highly disruptive to Drifter ships as their primary shield and weapons don’t seem to function in abyssal space. What if the triglavians also realise this and messing with the stars in K-space could be their way of preparing the battlefield in their favor?
They seem to realize that abyssal space is volatile and not well suited for us to live in. These abudctions and tests could be a way for them to make sure we do not end up as collateral damage. Especially as they still seem to consider allowing us to join their flow.
Or at least those who are considered worthy. The others will probably just be … extirpated.