Should EDENCOM attempt to build its own entrance to Pochven? Are they doing it?

Fellow Capsuleers

In response to the original post let me point at @Umbre_Fallenstar’s work on gravity in combination with the research related to the Triglavians’ return to our known New Eden, especially on stellar manipulation. Diverse thoughts on the matter have been discussed almost one year ago, during the Yulai Triglav Conference. Since then, the stellar manipulation and its immediate impact on strategical and tactical considerations have never ceased to play a major role (e.g. the Stellar Accelerator).

I cut it short and get to the point: What has to be done in order to open up Triglavian space for jump-bridges, cynosural fields and the like? If we have the scientific insight into stellar manipulations and if we could get our hands on Triglavian facility layouts/construction plans, and if we could gather a daring bunch of pilots, it should be possible to crack Pochven open. It’s all there. All we need seem to be the right opportunities. And the empires are certainly aware of that as well.

I greatly encourage to think about creating such opportunities. Feel free to contact our fleet admiral @DutchGunner or myself if you want to discuss possibilities.


Haria Haritimado