Are bots really being handled?

People keep telling you this is not the case, and you keep asserting that it is.

First of all, you seem to interpret their statement on capsuleer forgiveness as meaning that only botting in the service of RMT will remain a permanently bannable offense. But by that same logic, any RMT that isn’t associated with botting wouldn’t be a permanently bannable offense either. Perhaps it might be a little less ambiguous if they had broken up each individual infraction onto it’s own line, but you seem to be alone in interpreting their words to mean that they will be unbanning botters who are not associated with RMT.

And, in case you missed it, CCP recently reaffirmed their zero tolerance policy towards botters in the ecosystem outlook blog released today. Hopefully, this removes any ambiguity from their previous statement.

Finally, I ask you to please stop spreading unsubstantiated rumors and just chill out dude.


This might be too intellectual to comprehend. “I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you”

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