I’m eying the interceptor skill and tryig to figure out if interceptors are useful in null sec - I ask because interdictors have a much larger area of effect, so I asume an interdictors would always be chosen over interceptors?
The Interdictor’s primary advantage is that it’s a bubble and forget platform, which is very good if you’re multi-accounting, as you can alt-tab off the Interdictor once it has opened its bubble.
If you’re actively playing on the client, Interceptors are more useful, as they warp faster, move faster on grid, are harder to wreck, lock faster, and have a bonus on their scram (and web) range. Many lovely things have propulsion modules that ask to be scrammed with the short range warp scrambler, and a interceptor can do that alot better then an interdictor can. If things don’t go as well as you expected them, an interceptor can disengage and get out faster and at higher odds then an interdictor.
If you want to break it down very generalized, then Interceptors are more effective at tackling one target for a longer time, while Interdictors are better at tackling multiple targets for a shorter time.
But Interdictors can also be used to place catch/drag bubbles. That’s a whole other topic though.
So: Both have their use cases.