Sigh. I wish I could leave a one or two sentence reply, or maybe just a meme. But you are just all sorts of wrong.
CCP isn’t picking on you. These changes affect everyone. By the way, lots of players in nullsec believe the CCP is screwing them over with all the recent changes.
You do know that Darkness collapsed like 6 weeks ago right? Did you hear about the war between legacy and winter co? What about the glassing of Tribute?
Sure, there could definitely be more fighting going on, but I’d hardly say that they exist in a permanent state of peace. So, seeing you say that makes me wonder if you are using hyperbole, or are ill informed.
Are you serious? Players and CCP talk about conflict drivers all the time.
I don’t know if you’re exaggerating, or don’t understand what’s going on. Regardless, they control nullsec and only nullsec. Of course, they exert influence outside of nullsec, but they hardly control the whole game.
Large, highly organized groups are always better equipped to deal with change and adversity (both in game and in RL). It’s how reality works. And nothing short of mechanics that specifically punish players for working together will change that. Speaking of which…
This idea has merit on paper, but I guarantee you the coalitions will just find workarounds. Hell, there aren’t even any formal mechanics for coalitions in the game. As far as the game is concerned, the Alliance is the largest player unit. Anyway, large groups will implement all sorts of workarounds (like using holding corps, creating sister corps and alliances, and stuff like that) to avoid any negative consequences. The only thing it will accomplish is to drastically increase the logistic and administrative workloads of the players who hold it all together.
This is whataboutism. Also, CCP told us why they made the changes in the dev blog.