Are there any years old unfixed bugs (that are not a feature) left in EVE?

The thread got spammed, so I will post this as a list not one by one. I hope you don’t mind.

  1. Sometimes, randomly, when jumping into new system while having an autopilot route set (but not autopilot enabled), the next destination will not show up automatically in “Selected Item” window. This seems to be happening more when that destination is a station or citadel in that system, but not conclusive. This is the most common bug that happens at least once a day for me.
  2. Sometimes when undocking with negative security status, but not as negative to be hunted by facpo in given system (for example -1.6 in Jita where -2.5 is a limit), you still get hunted by facpo in that system until DT. Seems random, happens maybe twice a month to me. Note that it seemed to me it is triggered by undocking before the criminal timer actually runs out (ie. hitting the undock button when 3-5 seconds remaining), but once I had this suspicion I avoided doing this and it still happened again few days after)
  3. Sometimes clicking jump is not registered by the client. Any ganker with large multibox fleet can confirm this, very often, one of our ships just don’t jump despite the click was made and the ship actually warped to gate (crossed that out because we use fleet warp, not manual jump on each client).
  4. Sometimes the ships is not where it is supposed to be. I can’t go into much details, but it shows somewhere in the space, but is not there yet. Details I can disclosure: If that was a lag on my side, then I would see the ship be still in front of me, not behind me don’t you think? Yet the ship appears behind me, but is still not there yet according to the log.
  5. Expired killright still very often shows on a pilot. Ie. it shows the dot in Selected Item with price to activate it, when prompted, it says “This killright has expired.”. Note: this is not just because the pilot is in space when his killright is cleared (that is practically not possible to happen), it retains even after docking, undocking, and jumping several systems.
  6. Sometimes when logging back directly into space, all modules are offline despite they were online before and they show as online in station - this is not a viual bug, modules cannot be used. Note: Relogging in station didn’t help, re-onlining modules, stripping the fit and fitting again and swapping ships, neither (it affects any ship I undock with), undocking with clean ship and doing it again didn’t help. Relogging in space caused even bigger bug when there was no HUD for ship control at all, no capacitator, nothing. Overall this toon seems to be bugged completely, fitting window doesn’t respond - seems I will have to wait for DT (happened actually just now when I was writing this list :rofl: ). Suspicion: might be related to the fact that the character is using 1% PGU implant without which one of the modules can’t be fit.
  7. There was also a bug when fitting a whole fit could make some module to be offline, if the module required PGU/CPU modules in lowslot, but I didn’t ran into this now. It was sometimes happening 6 months ago, so maybe fixed? But it is CCP so I bet not, someone please confirm.
  8. Sometimes after logging in, some windows have background black despite I don’t have the transparency disabled on those clients. Relogging fixes it. EDIT: sorry this is actually a new bug related to Photon UI, it didn’t happen to me any time before (unlike other issues, which all already happened to me at some point before). So not “years old one”.

These are bugs I can think of from top of my head. There might be more I forgot about since my break and that didn’t manifest to me yet. There are also some issues that are really too unsignificant to write about such as Project Discovery sometimes awarding you 0% when you had it almost perfect. But who cares about that one…