Are Wardecs always going to be broken? Is a fix even possible?

They could had smaller structures that would not be war eligible nor core dependant, while not disputing a local resource like a moon.
The issue is that would allow corporations at war to use such a structure with an alt corporation, to have staging in a space occupied by at-war corporation.
This may be solved by having those structure not have a modifiable ACL, therefore only corp members could dock/rep/be tethered/etc. .

Actually I think raitarus and astrahus should be those ones : don’t require core in HS, do not make eligible to war. Athanors should still be, as they lock out a moon access. Unless you prevent them from fitting a drill.
Also, those structure should have more restrictive placement range so that they don’t prevent other structures from being placed close to gates, and therefore should not be placed on moon mining location.

In short :

  • smaller structures have reduced ACL : only their owner corporation’s members can dock, use services, get tethered. Also they can’t become the source/destination of a courier contract unless the acceptor is in that corporation.
  • smaller structures have an increased minimum distance to place them (times ten compared to other structures). They can’t be placed on limiting spots, like moon mining location.
  • smaller structures can’t fit drill (which anyhow is unusable because they can’t be placed on moon mining location)
  • smaller structures do not make their corporation war deccable
  • smaller structures don’t require a core anymore in HS. (not mandatory. maybe bad)