Are Wardecs always going to be broken? Is a fix even possible?

That’s even more foolish. If bullies want that, then they should just drop to null. No security anywhere.

No, I dont care that they don’t want to face the terrors of null because they cant be big bad bullies there.

High Sec has Concord for a reason. It was built that way. So either make everything 0.0 or get rid of war decs completely in high sec.

I would rather WD a null blk without the possibility of them destroying my wd base, but I could continue the war the after such an event when it did happen?

I prefer to be one of Robin Hoods Merry Men and steal from the rich instead of blasting poor noobs outta the sky.

Hate the game, not the gamers.
They do it, because they can. Different people have different ways of seeing the game.

Then, what would prevent those entities from fighting each other when they go in HS ?
Maybe it’s not a problem. But I believe it is.

Yep, I’ve seen local in Jita…

Without Concord, there is no high sec.

From reading these posts, Concord and War Decs are not compatible. It’s as simple as that.

Everything in Eve is ‘for the sake of it’. Nobody forces anyone to put up a station…they also do it ‘for the sake of it’. It’s a PvP game. Why would any PvP-er not want to shoot at a big fat juicy station ? I don’t understand why people are complaining about PvP in a PvP game.

I think the answer to the original question is: Yes. They will remain somewhat broken. War eligibility should probably be looked at as the ‘great filter’, ie: if you’re able to acquire a structure then the universe deems you worthy of being taken out.

So keep your little crab claws inside that barrel and dispel any illusions of every crawling out…

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Many accept the current situation with Wardecs the system was changed to remove the highsec station spam.

Only waiting for the nerf to control towers resistance stats so small corp can w/dec a control tower afk corp and pew pew it down under 15 minutes

People don’t complain about PvP in a PvP game, they complain about the design of said PvP in this PvP game.

Imagine a CoD Battle Royale map where you are dropped out of the plane as a new player or a casual crew but on the ground are already perfectly equipped veteran teams with the latest meta-weaponry, fully plated, knowing all tactical locations, elite snipers on all good positions, important spots tripwired and mined and your experience is like that: Dropping down, running 3 steps to the left, picking up your first crapgun and boom dead. Repeat and after 5 steps boom dead. Try again and boom dead. Over and over.

Or lets say a Diablo II game, where right at the town exit some fully equipped Level 90+ PKers stand ready to instakill newbs as soon as they set a foot onto the Stony Fields.

People would complain. Of course. Not about PvP, but that this is possible.

Tbh, in all that discussion here I never got the slightest impression that you are really interested in PvP. Because if you would, you could simply board a ship/form a crew and make a handful of jumps out of HS. Begin to shoot anything that doesn’t belong to you. Ships. A POCO. A POS. A station. And you will get PvP in no time. Open PvP. Free game. Why don’t you just do it?

Most people, especially in these discussions aren’t asking to remove PvP from HighSec. They want a design that at least limits the ability to endlessly curbstomping others or even form whole corp/alliance concepts that generate huge profits around doing exactly that. Because that is ultimately harmful for the game as a product, pushing away new players and casuals that are badly needed to keep up some grassroot growth (new influx from the bottom).


Or I could imagine an over-inflated straw man. I mean, here are CCP’s own figures on the level of noobs being ganked…

Oh come off it. This is the usual ‘motte and bailey’ type argument where people make statements that clearly imply something more drastic but then have a fallback ’ we just want a few little changes…think of the noobs ’ position when challenged.

Never mind that every one of here was once a noob…who clearly survived all the carnage that supposedly ‘makes noobs leave’.

Um…my 6 main active chars have over 1400 kills, mostly in lowsec and null. Here’s killboard stats for just one of those accounts. Is this PvP enough for you ?

Or even worse : a sorcercess with the orb of ice spams it, then TP in town and activate hostility instantly with a script, which make all his spells become hostile and kill people in the area they were lingering.
Happened a lot in HC. So blizzard added a server-side timer (IIRC) to stop the script kiddies from doing that.

That’s a survivor bias type argument.

Try to actually help newbros start the game, you’ll realize what a carnage this indeed is.
Because the people who are killed, even in FREE SHIPS (given in advance in several batches), even after being told several times they will die(insurance your ship ! set your home station ! check your clones ! check your fit :stuck_out_tongue: ), the sheer amount of information they needed to ingest to start playing the game, just to understand that this was not enough(since they died, it’s their fault) makes their experience with the game a bad one.

Imagine learning to drive but the day of the exam there is a new law that you did not hear of until now and all your learning efforts (and money) are wasted. Even if it was your parents money, you will feel bad about it.
The only ones who will keep playing are those that actually looked forward to this, that is people going FW or hunting others : those who were doing PVP.
And of course those who have not been killed in non-consensual PVP.

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Well then it’s perfect against a non-survivor biased type argument…especially one where the actual rate of noobs being ganked early on is just a mere 1% :slight_smile:

Like I keep saying…you guys are not describing a problem, you’re inventing one.

That’s an irrelevant argument. Two bads don’t make a good.

That’s a delusional argument. CCP has already stated there was a problem.
Other people here also explained why there was a problem (I did). You did not address those, just pretended they don’t exist.

Why does it not surprise me that the actual stats are ‘irrelevant’ to you guys…lol.

Try to make an actual constructive argument ?

Being actual does not make stats relevant. The burden of proof is on you, to show with a non-biased argument how those stats actually help.
So far, they don’t. You could say that 1% of the players are suicide gankers, that would be just as useful (that is, not at all).

OK I realize I spend too much time lecturing you on how to discuss constructively, you’re not worth my time.

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Can you give a bit more detail on your time with Stanford Research Institute in which you developed such amazing psychic powers that you know exactly how every single player feels about the game ? Can you bend spoons as well ?

No surprise, there appears to be a lot of things you don’t understand.

One of the big ones is that EVE isn’t a PvP game. Overwatch is a PvP game. World of Tanks. Mechwarrior Online. DotA 2. Those are all PvP games.

EVE is a MMORPG. It’s a mostly-PvE game that features a higher portion of PvP than most MMORPGs do, but it’s still a much smaller portion of the game than the PvE.

EVE is actually far more of an economy simulator than it is a PvP game, and it’s the economic features that have kept it alive over the years. The PvP is mostly just a poorly-implemented side show to keep things from getting too boring.

Some players change things up by going out into low sec or WHs or null and actually facing PvP combat challenges. Other players decide they’re going to hide in high sec forever, but convince themselves they’re real bad hombres by finding weak targets that present no risk at all, and killing those.

Some of those players will do this endlessly, for years, and brag about the thousands of no-risk kills they ‘scored’ along with 100 other zero-risk ‘warriors’, and then declare that this is really what EVE is all about. But just because it’s what EVE is all about for them, doesn’t make it that way for everyone else.

I laughed when I saw you declare how kinda lame structure-bashing in a war corp is, and that you were trying to expand into ‘solo’ kills and ‘punching up’… and then I saw your new alt’s KB.

Yeah, you and a couple buddies in battlecruisers, T3Ds and command ships ganging up to take out a T1 frigate. Or brave little you taking on corvettes and shuttles solo in your Gnosis. Man, that’s some serious up-punching there.

EVE may be a MMORPG that features a higher than usual amount of PvP. But trust me, what you, gankers and wardec corps are doing in high-sec isn’t PvP.


‘If you repeat a lie often enough…’ as the old saying goes.

Well, lets see what the makers of EVE have to say…

“Experience space exploration, immense PvP and PvE battles and a thriving player economy in an ever-expanding sandbox.”

Its an MMORPG with PvP.

It’s an economy centred around what ? Fishing ? Magic spells ? The price of wheat in Kansas ? No…it is all centred around combat. Eve is basically a ‘total war’ economy.

Well…cudos to them for having some indication of ever having undocked in a ‘space simulator’ game ! Something you don’t appear to have done since 2017…while you lecture everyone about PvP from your ivory tower in some station.

Nah, you’re just deflecting, as usual, because your precious ego-stroking fish barrel is being challenged.

You’re the only one here trying to deflect this into being about ‘noobs’. Noobs aren’t in corps. They don’t own stations. They aren’t part of the Wardec scene. If you understood half as much about EVE as you think you do, you’d know that.

And that pathetic attempt by CCP to ‘prove’ that ganking doesn’t harm the game was a ridiculous whitewash from the get-go. Who the heck throws ships away to gank players under 2 weeks old? Players under 15 days have barely spent a couple hours in the game and are probably just heading out of their career agent system in their crap-fit T1 frigate.

And the analysis they did? “Players who’ve been ganked are slightly more likely to stay than one who haven’t.” Pardon me, what sort of numbers does ‘slightly’ imply? Does it take into account the fact that many of those players who are more adventurous at the start are probably alts or re-starts of existing players using a different email?

Anyway, deflect all you like. Cry all you want about how “punching up” is hard if you can’t hunt T1 frigates while you hide in safe space. But change is comin’ and you’ll just have to learn how to do PvP against targets that actually shoot back for a change.


Seriously…do I need lectures on PvP of all things from someone who has ZERO indication of having done any PvP in 8 years while this is the kb stats for just one of my main chars…

You sit in dock and lecture everyone on PvP from your ivory tower, as if you knew more about it all than people who actually undock and do it.