Arrests of Mikramurka Defense Officials

There’s nothing crazy about it.

A mere month ago, we warned everyone what would happen if so much power–in this case, power over Matar’s security defenses–was given to one man. Not only that, but specifically Allek Berialsh, who has already been seen to abandon one tribe in favor of another.

We requested a full and formal inquiry into the failure of defenses over Mikramurka during the Blood Raider attack. And while the Tribal Council will claim that these arrests are the product of such an inquiry, they do not fulfill the formal part of our request, which would have begun with an open and transparent discovery of evidence–not with a sudden and unexplained flurry of eye-catching arrests.

If these arrests are honestly connected to any investigation of the Blood Raider attack, then Berialsh and his Planetary Security bureau will release full details of their findings against these officials and their reasoning behind the arrests. Until then, I cannot hold any confidence in this sham appointment, and I certainly hope the Tribal Council will not fault me for taking my own actions to keep my clan and Tribe safe should the need arise.