Arsia Elkin for CSM 16!

I think Arsia is a perfect candidate for the CSM!
Her long dedication to an environment where nearly anyone can join and have fun and find the joy in EvE, like as her public fleets, streams and her awesome work during the Trigvasion speaks for itself.
Yet on top of that, few has as much experience of low sec and the FW mechanics (Or lack there off) and to add to it, she is a voice for the severely overlooked Lore and RP Community, two aspects of the game that desperately needs a strong voice.

Thank you for running, Arsia!


I have known Arsia for many years. I cannot think of a better example of a player more dedicated and genuinely excited by the game. She brings a level of knowledge of a wide variety of playstyles that would be a great benefit to the CSM and the players she represents.

From large and small scale lowsec PvP FCing, small gang and solo nullsec roaming, highsec pve content, wormhole living, and theorycrafting at all levels, to her long term commitment to RP and Eve’s lore and the community around them, I am confident that there are few areas of the game to which Arsia will not have something meaningful to contribute.

She’s got my vote.


As someone who has seen as well as supported an Alliance and many Corps that grew around Arsia Elkin, she is the better candidate for CSM 16 than most of her competitors.

She can FC, She can do PvE (but not her favorite thing in the game), has done a lot of theory-crafting these past few years, and not only has she been in-game longer than me (She’s been here for more than a decade!) The only thing she’s likely not to touch…and I wouldn’t want her to touch…Is Industry


Forget about Arsia-the-FC. Forget about Arsia-the-FW pilot. Or Arsia-the-lore-fan. Arsia-the-roleplayer.

Arsia’s smart as a whip. She knows her subject matter, and when she doesn’t, she makes an effort to learn. She doesn’t just assert her own knowledge, she takes the time to listen to others, and thinks very carefully about what they have to say. And she’s capable of asking for that, of saying ‘ok, I don’t have all the answers, so talk to me and let’s see where we get’.

And that ability to walk into a situation and say ‘what don’t I know that I need to?’ is both extremely important, and completely lacking in some of the big names who’ve thrown their name into the hat.


Nothing that Cypherous has said regarding Arsia’s time as an EDI Senior FC on this thread has any basis in reality. Arsia was valued Sr. FC of EDI and I have expressed mine, and EDI’s support for her on one of her recent live streams. I hope she sees this message of support. I do not frequent the forums myself but my Sr. Fc’s brought this to my attention.
Verum Peto, EDI Director


As an EDI member, at times in the FC team, I flew with Arsia again and again throughout the whole of Chapter 3. The usual place to find her was leading a fleet in a liminality, killing NPCs and Trig supporters alike (but we all know trig supporters were the main targets :slight_smile: )



As someone who shared leadership roles with Arsia for several years I can attest that she is beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the best candidates available this election. She will bring a much needed breadth of knowledge to conversations regarding small to medium gang pvp, Lore/Role-play, lowsec life in general and basically anything having to do with what this game desperately needs more of. Fun, impactful content for those of us that have carved a life out between the cracks of the monolithic null blocks and highsec vacuum alliances.


pozdro arsia…

As an EDI junior FC, and ran fleets at a high frequency during Chapter Three, I can attest that Cypherous served only as an instigator within EDI, which has continued here. At least the man is consistent.

Over a three month period, I never saw Cypherous in fleet or in space.

Arsia, to the contrary, ran fleets consistently and was happy to answer player questions and teach the game.

It’s pilots like Arsia who gave me the drive to keep playing and explore new aspects of this massive game. I went from someone who refused to leave hisec to someone who now seeks out nullsec roams and lowsec brawls. Someone who isn’t afraid of wormholes or the proving grounds, someone who other players can shoot at.

In other words, players like Arsia took me from a mission runner, and turned me into another target in space, which the game, we can all agree, sorely needs right now. She is a fantastic FC, a fantastic alliance mate, a fantastic community member, and, I like to think, a fantastic friend.

I fully endorse Arsia Elkin for the Council of Stellar Management, and look forward to the great things she’ll go on to do.


If pointing out the truth is “instigating” sure

Cool, there were reasons for that absence which you didn’t need to be privy to :slight_smile:

I mean, sure she ran most of the low sec defense fleets, well i say defense fleets they were just her trying to get kills that weren’t going to actually change the outcome of the battle as a whole

Hello, I’m Roland Cassidy, Former CSM 9 Candidate, EDI Nightshift FC Award Winning Bane Voice Impersonator and Along with Arsia and my Fellow Lumen Heterolife partner Reginald Sakakibara and a LOT of Redbulls and Vodka, The reason that EDI bounced back a lot of Systems on night shift.

Who needs sleep anyways! Am I right!?

All the silliness aside - Listen I’ve flown with Arsia in the game in the same groups, opposing her, in random fleet ups, you name it. She’s good people inside the game and out, and if you take moment and watch a handful of her solo fleets she shows you just how talented she is at breaking down the mechanics of the game, and isn’t afraid to critique her own mistakes.

That’s such an important trait to ask of someone, to admit when they do something incorrectly and then break it down to help the next person not do the same thing. The CSM is not perfect as a forum. A lot of folks get in for the wrong reasons, Some aren’t amazing communicators or have amazing points and struggle to voice them in a capacity that CCP devs can benefit from if they like the basis of what they hear. But I don’t think Arsia suffers from those faults in fact I feel like she’s done a lot of homework to be one of the most open about good communication, and understanding that this position is not a place where you go and force your personal projects on the developers.

You sit in the room and take notes, you ask questions and the devs pick your brain about what they are already working on… you don’t get to design the game. You get to be the first tier focus group. I like Arsia’s particular way of gaming, it matches my own. cautious but not afraid of PVP, not keen on having it become a struggle to enjoy the game just to afford your ships. She wants the game to be fun and to have a lot of interesting flavor and things that makes at least some sense driving the action. She’s my primary candidate.

There will be plenty of null folks supporting their tickets. My hope is that they consider adding Arsia to the list. Because she’s here for the best of reasons. She really enjoys playing EVE Online. And as a dedicated voice to the masses I think she’s got a lot to offer as a multifaceted candidate.

She’s got my votes. Unlike the idiot who keeps slinging mud as his sole method of responding to her supporters. Isn’t he supposed to have like his own forum post to trash up?


D’awww Ad Hominem, so cute, clearly this bothers you, which generally indicates there is some truth in it, people don’t get annoyed otherwise, guess you can’t all manage to keep it civil eh :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed flying with Arsia and will be voting for her for CSM. She is knowledgeable, experienced, and always willing to give her time to help me improve.


Good Luck.

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Thank you!

I’ll be voting for you across the aboard My Lady. Good Luck!

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After some conversations about my favourite subjects in lowsec, I would definitely agree that Arsia’s goals and understanding for FW are solid! I will be recommending on my ballot!


I would like your thoughts on Battlecruisers, I’ve long felt they have little to offer. Cruisers tend to push into their space with dps and speed tanking, while Battleships push into their space with similar or greater dps and heavier tank, leaving BCs with no clearly defined role. Yes i get that some of the BCs are nice sniper platforms but looking at the variety of both cruiser and battleship platforms, compared to the realtively sparce offerings of Battlecruisers it would seem that even CCP devs cannot find much use for BCs in EVE.

BCs are afflicted with the spead and manuverability of a battleship with the guns (mostly) of a cruiser, which seems a recipe for failure, especially when you start talking about assault cruisers and faction or maurader based battleships.

To be clear to any reader, i love the concept of BCs but the actual game play always leaves me wanting.

I think at least small to medium scale Cattlebruisers are some of the most versatile ships.

There are a few T1 battlecruisers that could stand to be a bit stronger (like the Hurricane), but I think the Harbinger and Ferox are in a fantastic place. Myrmidons can’t ever really be a wonderful fleet boat but have a few niches in PvE and small engagements. Prophecy seems really good to me at small scales too. Brutix, Drake, and Cyclones are more or less almost where they need to be, I think. Cyclone’s kinda like the Myrm in that it’ll always be better for smaller-sized engagements.

Navy Harbinger and Navy Hurricane seem pretty good. Navy Drake I’ve only used/seen a few times and I liked it but I should see it more before having any opinion. Navy Brutix I don’t really know too much about. Drekavac seems kinda hard to fit but strong when some shine is put on it.

Command ships are obviously good. Both as needed support and as tanky doctrines at times.

Harbinger’s my favorite ship in the entire game and I’ve used it to great effect in solo, small-gang, and small to medium sized fleets. I know it would struggle in the largest of large fights, perhaps, but not every ship should shine at every size fight.

The ability to fit links lets you do insane things like 22km heated Fed Webs on unbonused small gang ships without a backpack.

I personally think BCs are better than a lot of people give them credit for. A lot of times their main weakness is inability to disengage as well as a cruiser, but I think there’s a lot of cases where the added strength makes up for that. And now a t2 fit BC is gonna be cheaper than a navy cruiser so even if you explode a bit more due to being slow, it’ll likely average out in the long run if you’re takin’ the risks anyway.

Thanks for your point of view on BCs, I’ll revisit my own opinions with these new insights in mind.

Thanks again,


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