Attaching builders name to Hulls

I would like to see a option to see the player who built my ship in the descriptions of the Hull, and a signature by them. For example Constructed by: Nano Spartan (o_0) . And just the next step is adding a signature of the maker on the outside of the ship itself. I take a little pride in making my own ships and would like to attach my brand or something to it.

This idea comes up often (search is your friend).

It mainly boils down to this: Nice idea in principle, bad idea for the backend in practice. It would mean every hull would have to be a unique entry in the database rather than a pointer to a single definition of the hull.


Not gonna happen. The database is big enough as it is.

I feel with the technology we have now like skins for ships, names for ships, etc. We attach a signature to the description tab at least. You could even go as far as making it a cash shop item to have the ability to create your own signature to attach. And the rest just be labeled as anonymous.

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If you repackage a ship (same as you buy it from the market). It simply becomes another pointer to hull definition x in the DB.

All attributes such as name, skin, killmarks are lost on repackaging. The only reason the assembled hull can hold it’s attributes is because you instantiate a unique object upon assembly. To have a Maker’s Mark on packaged hulls means that each and every one of them needs to be a unique object.

It can of course be done, but it depends on the impact this adds to the DB performance. I’m guessing CCP consider it too high as this has been raised many many times in the past.


Ok that makes sense thank you for clearing that up I was a bit confused.


Also, the skin license isn’t bound to the ship, it’s bound to the character. If you have a Rifter skin, that skin will appear on any Rifter you fly but another player flying the same ship without a license would not have a skin.

Any attributes bound to the hull will be lost when it is repackaged. It becomes indistinguishable from other hulls of the same type - which is why we can stack them!


No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Dead horse beating aside, this WILL NOT EVER happen for one reason: sheer quantity of hulls and modules. There is an absolute limit to database storage CCP is willing to allocate to assets. Thats why the only things that will ever have names or other “unique” attributes attached to them (basically limited to name and damage %, and insurance), is UNPACKAGED modules, cans, and hulls. The moment you package them again, they lose their name, insurance (and damage is repaired before you’re allowed to repackage anyways), and any other uniqueness they had and become a part of “the greater good” for lack of a better term.

Furthermore, your ■■■■ is going to die at some point if you ever fly it. If you want to be a special snowflake over your ship, just name it I made this myself herpderp or something. This isnt like WOW, Guild Wars, or any other mmorpg where you have far less items involved. In fact, I’d hazard a guess and say the entire stockpile currently on the markets of Jita has an item count that vastly exceeds the number of items in all other MMO game still running right now, combined.

@Do_Little the exception to that are the one time use skins iirc. Those are treated the same as insurance I think, lost on sale, destruction, or repackage.

I dont know why you replied to this post other than to sound like a jackass. Go troll somewhere else.

Things like this are among the reasons I still miss pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies :cry:

Right, because telling you the single strongest reason your idea, which is hardly original at this point (hence beating a dead horse), will not work, be done, or ever BE considered, is “trolling.”

Maybe because somebody else explained, the OP grasped the problem and it is a dead issue…then you come in and flail away…?

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yeah so than when people see a ton of ships with someone elses name on it they go and hunt his stations and miners down!

Pointless additions to games, ftw !

There is a good solution.

It can be allowed for Titans and other capitals. For this ships there can be “individuality”.

Also there can be special marks or elements on any hulls. But it can be only in case customer obtain it through special contract. For industrialists nothing changes - job costs the same. But this special contract means that there manufacturer sign (or element or whatever else) will be added and customer should be ready to pay a high price for it.

Market and regular contracts will not allow such a things being made.

You expect people to not just buy regular stuff and “super contract” them to their super/titan alt for the “cool” signature?

Why can’t people just realize it is pointless to add such fluff to the game database?

You have a good eye. Nice addition. But this is not our problem - this is problem of CCP how to block this potential “bug”.

Let’s remove killmarks then, and “Notes” tab, and “Bio” tab, and many thing else.

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