Auto-pilot in higsec?

How many of you use auto-pilot when traveling in highsec.
And should i do it or just getting myself used to using manual piloting, because in lowsec/nullsec you HAVE to use manual i have read.

I will auto empty haulers from Orvolle to Jita, but generally don’t if I have a full load or if I’m flying anything I like.

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depends on the situation, if we haul things arround for logistics in places were we know the people that are “locals” autpoloting is not a issue, but when travelong … its better to do it, even mwd-cloak … as this will get you the muscle memory of doing it, as every ships is slightly different, getting used to the mechanics for the specific ship you are in, is important.

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Auto-pilot equals auto-destruct, in my opinion.

Not even being empty is going to make it safe.


@Azure_xem I have been using autopilot everytime an agent sent me to drop something off and back. But it’s slow at the gates and slow at docking because it doesn’t get you close enough to the destination.

The only times I visit high sec is because I have to drop off valuable loot or to import items I need.

It would be suicide to use auto-pilot with a cargo hold full of loot.

On the way back I also don’t use auto-pilot because I do not wish to donate the modules of my Blockade Runner or Deep Space Transport to players either.

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How selfish, sharing is caring. :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face: :popcorn:


I do autopilot in a ship that meets two conditions:

  1. it is cheap enough not to attract multibox-gankers or ganking-groups (aka not offering much loot).
  2. it’s tanky enough to easily withstand the bad mood of a single bored ganker that just want to blow something up for the explosion.

In buffer-tanked t2 fitted combat ships for example I do autopilot pretty often, at least a part of the route. If there is no bling on it and nothing relevant in cargo, I never get attacked.

Blockade runner + Autopilot = Self distruct with random delay :wink:

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Probably quicker too than the default 2 minute delay!

Never lost a ship autopiloting, but have lost plenty due to negligence while manualling.

Sometimes I get out and push. The joke meme going around is the sipping bird on the keyboard for this game. But it seems a lot of this game is tap… tap… tap… tap… oops! got to go potty, hit the autopilot… 10 minutes later crash and burn.

I have used autopilot (AP) for high sec just because I have a life and am not worried about losing my ship. They made the AP to cater to gankers and gate campers, it is pretty obvious. What I do for long hauls is listen to the audio while on Facebook for the warps to end. Another trick is to sell both the load and the ship when you arrive at your destination, self destruct back to your point of origin and buy a new ship.

The d-scan and manual jump are there as keep the player busy tool. It is not a fun activity, so I tend to avoid it as much as possible. If those 2 tools were done properly this game would be more enjoyable by all. If those were made proper, I might take up ganking and gate camping. Let’s face facts, it doesn’t take much thought to gate camp. There is no challenge to sitting on the other side of a door waiting with a loaded shotgun for some unarmed person to walk through.

Challenges are fun, easy and redundant is not.

Have fun!

Get yourself a second screen and you can write in forums while piloting.


If that was the case, they’d never have instituted “Warp to 0km”. Back before that feature, EVERYONE who didn’t have navigation bookmarks would land at 15km from gate or station and slow burn in. Autopilot was simply the feature added to make you jump or dock as soon as you were within range to do so, not some CCP conspiracy against you.


dscan isn’t really an activity it’s just pressing V periodically.

assuming you’ve undocked it and put it somewhere in the bottom right corner under the overview.

… you’re not doing dscan in the solar system map screen… right?

Right. The last thing anyone in this game needs is to take advice from risk averse carebears with zero practical experience outside highsec.

If you don’t understand the value of d-scan, you don’t understand this game enough to make any quantitative or meaningful feedback on any suggestions whatsoever.

Well, i really wanted to chime in and ■■■■■ about your comments … (mostly because i am one of those “risk averse carebears” :slight_smile:

but there isn’t really anything to add to it, as you are 100% right.

Autopilot is not a Nerf from CCP, its just reflects reality, and gives the players that know how to fly a well deserved advantage, as this is the reward for putting in the time and learning how things are working.

i do know players that are in the game for 15+ years, that never used d-scan, and have no idea how this system id going to help them, but they do not â– â– â– â– â–  about it if they lose a ship either, its just the way they play so there is nothing wrong with being in space telling your tesla where to go, but there is also no room to â– â– â– â– â–  about it of one refuses to use the tools avaiable to them.

funny in Elite Dangerous if you “Auto dock” the Autopilot/NPC will take the most carebaer approach possible, which makes auto-landing horribly slow way of doing things. and yet even they do it as safe as humanly possible, if there is traffic on a station, they still gonna crash your ship :slight_smile:
this and eve-autopilot gives the games a realistic feel. its not the games fault that some players expect CCP to play the game for them.

I just auto-pilot with empty shuttles in order to move myself to distant stations.

And I use that while I need to go to the bathroom or while taking out the trash, perfectly aware that i could die easily on the way for whatever reason.

But as soon as I fill that shuttle with blueprints, auto-pilot equals suicide. :upside_down_face:

You dont HAVE to do anything. You can autopilot through low and null if you wish. Just have to be able to accept the consequences of your actions, too.

I once caught an autopiloting freighter through lowsec. He was like 7km away from the hisec gate, and we barely managed to kill him by bumping him out of range.

Using autopilot, anywhere, is fine. Dying is fine, too. Its part of the game.