Automated NPCs services and individuals for Player-Run corporations and Eve Online in general in case of massive numbers of offline EVE Online players

NPC Mining, Security, Defense, patrols and Hauler Fleets, traders, and ships for Players-run corporations, and alliances - In case there are no players available or unable to be online in Eve Online for various IRL reasons, emergencies, evacuations, and other stuff…

(I’m worried that when there are so many players are not online for a very long time in either days, weeks, months or even years or decades, corporations or alliances or even the in-game Eve Online’s economy that is almost-player-run and dependent, factions, and npcs will actually suffer from the lack of player contribution to the economy, policing, patrol, protection, and so much more)

Hence, the use and addition of NPCs to provide for automated services of stations, citadels, defenses and security, trade, transport, missions and quests in null and low-space and so much more in case there are lack of online players and no one playing it… Even if that transition, may destabilize or causes drastic changes to the economy and unpopular for many players, gamers, critics and staff, it is better for the game’s economy and trade to have some measures of self-sustainability, autonomy, safety, protocols, insurances, protections, safety net, replacement hardware, protection, and servers, and backups and still okay for new players and Veteran Players in case there are little to few or no players available or active to play the Eve-Online game at all or something happens to damage, corrupt or break the game’s data, and servers…

This feature suggestion I typed up is unpopular and the likelihood of lots of players being offline from Eve online enough to affect the player-run economy is either likely or unlikely, but I believe that it should be prepared in case something like that happens because of that many players being offline… And, there are technical, hardware and software issues… So, I think that feedback, suggestions, adjustments, fixes, transitions and tests should be done in stages and not too fast for anyone.

Feel free to add your own opinions, thoughts, suggestions and more as I’m only posting this topic.

if the game dies, then it dies…

take this idea and shove it you know where.

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What defines “massive”? As @Max_Deveron aptly pointed out, if we get to that point where we need AI players EVE is probably dead (or dying) anyway.

Not that introducing more content in the form of AI players isn’t an intriguing idea, but if you introduce something like this don’t you open the floodgates to player bots?

Side note: We do have NPC fleets that mine-out belts in high-sec. Sure there are a few other examples as well…

Okay, now I took a look back at it, my suggested idea I wrote yesterday felt more actually stupider, idiotic, worse, a pile of garbage, useless stuff and even more detrimental and ridiculous than I thought… And even not okay at all.

If you want to play EVE Offline forever, go play X4 or Elite Dangerous…

That ain’t what I’m suggesting but you are right about my idea sounding like I want to play EVE Offline forever… Though I never heard of X4 as I never noticed that before, I heard of Elite Dangerous as a game and watched some videos of that… Though it cost money which is why I am still playing Eve Online as it is free to play…