Lol…yeah It is good that they are trying to make new content but what did shock me is the great new Abyssal stuff but they have not even touched missions for like 15 years?
trig stuff is not only one thing that the ccp recently introduced. another thing are abandoned citadels. Many people have lost their stuff because of this. That is life.
Sell it at 300% Jita price.
Aside from the 1 HS WH on average per system, yeah?
Technically trigs raided the stations and converted it to theirs so lore wise those assets should be gone, be thankful that you have them still in station.
I would suggest leaving them in there for now and scanning for wh’s killing some rats inside those wh’s for standings then when you have 1 standing you can use gates so that you can get back to your system where your ships are buy the filaments that teleport you back to high sec and move your ships out ez.
Otela gates need 3.0
- buy t-space and noise filament.
- board corvette, filament into trig system (hope you land in the right one) and dock up.
- board random ship, undock, find quiet spot.
- filament out. Burn like the many-headed dog Cerberus was after you for highsec. Or whelp in a glorious fireball on the nearest gatecamp.
- goto step 1.
I don’t think there is such an animal.
Sure there are. Two variants. Either to near the old position of the system or to a trig minor victory.
The Glorification-1 ‘Devana’ Filament permits 1 ship to travel from a star system in Triglavian Space to a star system in Known Space where the Triglavians won the battle for the system but did not proceed to the Liminality stages of the invasion. EDENCOM designated such systems as “Triglavian Minor Victory” systems.
I think most of these systems are in low or high sec and low is easy to move through most of the time unless you are really unlucky and end up near darwinism where they will light a covert cyno on you.
You can also go probe around the area where Otela used to be. The trig systems have a static wormhole connection to known-space that will spawn within 3 jumps of the system’s old location.
In this case you’ll need to work out which systems were within 3 jumps of old Otela, and go probe for a C729 wormhole, once you find it, bookmark the wormhole itself and warp off before the Trig NPCs kill you, then warp back to the bookmark at 0km, voila, you’re in Otela.
Every system in Pochven has a wormhole to Hisec at least about half of the time. They are incoming wormholes, meaning they originate in Hisec and have to be found and activated there. But >90% of them are located within a few jumps of Jita, so they are always found very quickly.
While the wormholes are too small for freighters, you can use them with Orcas or DST’s. You may have 10m m³ but I assume >95% of the value is in 5% of the volume, unless you were hoarding raw ores.
So actually it’s pretty easy to get in and out of Pochven, almost too easy. Activity has already picked up notably though since a few days ago - many small gangs and solo players roaming around, bubbling wormholes, shooting citadels or hunting NPC’s for loot and standings. To move your stuff in peace, you may want to try to make a deal with some local pvpers for protection…
Actually you can not sell anything in Pochen as there are no buyers. No one is there and the market movement is 0 volume. You can list a battleship for 1 ISK and no one will buy it as no one will see it since no one is there.
No one is operating courier contract service in or out of Pochen / Trig space. There is no in game function for such.
You can prove it to yourself. Open a courier contract and offer to pay anyone 100 million ISK to take 1 Tritanium to any station in Triglavian space. If someone accidentally accepts the contract they will not complete it as there is no such in game functionality at present.
You know… these exit filaments are like less than 1mil isk in JITA. scan a WH in, get ship fila exit, rinse repeat.
Killing some NPC there will get drop these for you as well.
It is to easy to get in and out too care about buying stuff in the region. Dunno what you are talking about in your other thread but 3 people with some alts in dps and logi handle the PVE swarms just fine.
I’ll buy your battleships for 1 isk, just make a contract to Tipa. Thanks.
Also I’m taking your courier contracts for 1 Trit at 100M reward. Same procedure put on Tipa (from Jita/Perimeter please). For the science. If I can’t complete, I will open a bug report.
EVE Rule #1 - always keep your stuff at Jita 4-4
The battleship for 1 ISK has been on the Pochven market for 7 days now and it’s still there. It is serving as proof that the market is 100% dead.
The 100 mil ISK for a 1m3 Courier Contract from Pochven to DoDixie has been open for 4 days and has 3 left.
Ok, let me check … maybe the search function fails.
@i69 I can see two couriers from Vale to Dodixie for 25M rewards. So not yours, did you limit to corp or something? But contracts are clearly visible. Can you send me an ingame mail with the links?
Edit: more contracts From Ichoriya and Arva … to Jita in the search. Hence I assume contract search works.
Edit2: One problem is sorting, you can’t sort by jump in the “global sort” only in page sort. And more than 1000 contracts qualify, as you can’t restrict by Region Povchen (doesn’t exist in filter yet, bug). So your contracts may be hiding beyond the 1000 …