Everything mentioned above affects the ship systems in a way or another
Hey maybe we should give gcc to every ship that bumps, I’ll just park my fat bowhead on 4-4 undock and watch it burn
Everything mentioned above affects the ship systems in a way or another
Hey maybe we should give gcc to every ship that bumps, I’ll just park my fat bowhead on 4-4 undock and watch it burn
are you stupid man babies still at it(and yes im calling the gankers this cause yall sound like man baby)
Okay, let me rephrase…
I do not bump other ships in game…at least not for years, and when I did it was one time and I thought the dude was a bot. After bumping him and getting a rather negative reaction I chatted with explained why I bumped him, he saw my viewpoint and that was that.
I was nnot explaining lore I was explaining mechanics. A scram disables your warp engines. It works differently than bumping. This is why one draws a CONCORD response and the other does not.
The argument that bumping does nothing does not hold water. Lots of things that technically do nothing are concorded.
Where exactly did I write that bumping does nothing. In fact, I wrote this,
Nor does it interfere with the functioning of any ship systems.
And also this,
Bumping does not interfere with any ship’s systems.
And this,
Bumping does not interfere with any of these systems. What it does is knock a ship off of it’s alignment trajectory.
And now we know why people call you a liar.
I was nnot explaining lore I was explaining mechanics. A scram disables your warp engines. It works differently than bumping. This is why one draws a CONCORD response and the other does not.
Ok… Let me help you out here.
It’s a computer game.
There are no ships. There are no engines. There are no systems.
There are only rules based in computer logic (as opposed to debate logic).
Bumping does not draw Concord because it’s not part of the logic loops that trigger Concord. it’s purely part of the physics engine.
Since it does not throw up any flags into an event log, it can’t be used to trigger concord, and even if it did there’s far too many incidental bumps to make it a good idea.
This means you can use it aggressively without concord getting involved strictly due to technical restrictions.
That’s why we are looking at the mechanics, and looking for a compromised workaround for an imbalanced piece of emergent behavior that takes advantage of a loophole.
you are not interested in any sort of balance or compromise though, you and your friends get to make bank off this and that’s all that matters.
Ok… Let me help you out here.
It’s a computer game.
There are no ships. There are no engines. There are no systems.
There are only rules based in computer logic (as opposed to debate logic).
Yes Mike, very good and the logic for a scram is different that the logic for bumping. And the logic of CONCORD based around it’s own logic which is you do something to another player’s pixels that invokes the logic of scrams, guns, webs, etc. except in very clear exceptions.
That’s why we are looking at the mechanics, and looking for a compromised workaround for an imbalanced piece of emergent behavior that takes advantage of a loophole.
Yes, you ideas are indeed compromised.
you are not interested in any sort of balance or compromise though, you and your friends get to make bank off this and that’s all that matters.
I am quite interested in balance. I think the current state is balanced.
It is balanced because those who get bumped have generally done something very foolish. It is balanced because those who are prudent generally do not get bumped. It is balanced because there are ways to avoid/get out of bumping already in game. The problem is you since you do not want to avail yourself of the already existing options.
you are not interested in any sort of balance or compromise though, you and your friends get to make bank off this and that’s all that matters.
I thought we weren’t talking about this? I thought this was irrelevant? My friends who make bank off of “this” are making bank off of foolish and imprudent players. Are you telling us now that this is bad? That when somebody is imprudent and foolish there should be no consequences?
very good and the logic for a scram is different that the logic for bumping
According to which source ? What do YOU define as the “logic for scram” ?
Both mechanisms have an effect on the ship, which results in your ship unable to warp.
Anything else is just speculation, as you don’t have direct access to the code.
So when you say the logic behind those is different, this is just unsourced affirmation. Or lore.
When we, users, talk about mechanisms we can only talk in terms of effect on the game.
Anything else as “they disable your warp engine” is completely irrelevant.
I do not (…)
Let me rephrase : I don’t care.
You misread my (previous) post by not taking the “if” as a condition (which it is) in
I think Hitler is a saint?
Only if you’re saying “It’s an activity I’m doing so it’s fine”.
And at the same time trolling(…)
In this post I did not say you were bumping. So read my complete post again to understand what I meant and not what you want to read.
I hate to break it to you but ships get gate camped all the time without being bumped.
No matter what you come up with the outcome will not change at all.
Both mechanisms have an effect on the ship, which results in your ship unable to warp.
Yes, but for very different reasons, hence why one draws a CONCORD response and the other does not.
Anything else is just speculation, as you don’t have direct access to the code.
I think the speculation can be pretty sound. In the case of a scram it “turns off” the warp drives. There are likely a number of conditions, that when met the warp drive no longer functions. With bumping it has to do with alignment and nothing to do with the warp drives.
When we, users, talk about mechanisms we can only talk in terms of effect on the game.
Anything else as “they disable your warp engine” is completely irrelevant.
Let me rephrase : I don’t care.
You misread my (previous) post by not taking the “if” as a condition (which it is) in
That’s fine your incoherent ramblings bring only humor to this thread.
0 source = 0 information in your post.
You just bring misinformation to this thread.
Your inability to make a cogent response is noted.
Oh … and you bring facts ? Hahaha … its just your onion
Yes, but for very different reasons, hence why one draws a CONCORD response and the other does not.
One draws concord response because it’s an easily identified aggressive action.
The other should draw concord response, except it’s using a loophole in the physics engine to get around being flagged as aggressive behavior.
And you are right, the proposal is compromised, far more than you or your supporters deserve. Rather than 30 seconds you get 5 minutes, and only if someone shows up to make that even possible, and it still does not bring concord.
Cost to Bumper- ship gets away. That’s it. It does not raise the price of a successful gank at all. At most it just means someone got away because the gankers waiting out timers—which is intended as part of the limitations on aggression in highsec.
Cost to Bumper- ship gets away. That’s it. It does not raise the price of a successful gank at all.
Cost to not getting bumped is 10 million isk permit that CODE. can provide for you.
Easy fix.
I think this also concludes the discussion.
Your inability to make a cogent response is noted.
You inability to provide sources for what you affirm as fact is duly noted.
Does not make you someone clever.
Please stop acting like you had anything to bring to the topic.
and you bring facts
I do not bring explanations about why things are how they are without some source.
You inability to provide sources for what you affirm as fact is duly noted.
Another solo player who wants to screw up game mechanics just because they lack the ability to make friends and work as a team.
Guess what, no matter how much ■■■■■■■■ you post, the team wins over solo.
The other should draw concord response, except it’s using a loophole in the physics engine to get around being flagged as aggressive behavior.
In your opinion. As noted, bumping does not interfere with any ship functions. Even the sublight engines still work as intended.
There are no sublight enginges. Just rules.
Certainly in hisec, we all know where the gankers will attempt. Set up some strategic bookmarks in these places. If you get bumped, align to the best bookmark and off you go. Just a thought. No need to change existing game mechanics. Yes, you might be up against well-synchronised multiple bumpers but I think that would be rare. Gankers feed off lazy players.
ertainly in hisec, we all know where the gankers will attempt. Set up some strategic bookmarks in these places. If you get bumped, align to the best bookmark and off you go. Just a thought. No need to change existing game mechanics. Yes, you might be up against well-synchronised multiple bumpers but I think that would be rare. Gankers feed off lazy players.
Why did you post here and bring this thread back up?
Go sit in the corner and feel bad for being bad…horribly bad.
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