Banishing T3 and Triglavian ships from empire

I’m going to disagree in that they make everything else obsolete.

To do a full fit of a tengu proper, your looking a 3b plus.

T3 are meant to be high end jack of all trades ships, they are also very expensive to fit and run so unless you are scrooge McDuck you cant really replace them like you can other ships.

So here is the thing.

Imagine you had a fleet of 6 ships chasing me.

If they’re in frigates, I can undock a cruiser or battlecruiser and I’ll be effectively able to compete.

If they’re in cruisers, I can undock a battlecruiser and compete.

If they’re in battlecruisers, I’ll be effective in a battleship.

If they’re battleships, I can undock a frigate and speed tank them to get them to ship down.

If they’re in T3s, there is nothing to undock. They transfer damage well against a frigate. They’re fast, and there is no point shipping up because the signature radius is so small and their EHP is so high. You just stay docked.

The point is, regardless of cost… they have no blind spot and thus prevent fights.

I can refer you to several merc entities who flew exactly these type of fleets and… thus… nobody wanted to fight them.

I’ve long been a proponent of taking a fight you don’t think you can win… but even I won’t undock into a fleet of T3s… there is no leverage to try to use. They have no weakness.

Giving every ship a blind spot gives every little guy an angle of hope to undock and try to wreak some havoc.

Again you list a scenario that not a High Sec scenario and a fight that is not a little new guy fight. If the fight is 1 v 6, you’re probably going to lose regardless, that’s Eve. If someone is bringing 6 T3s in a High Sec war, they must be face rolling is spare isk and that is far from the norm (unless you got ganked by Pirat which will soon be changing).

Your scenarios constantly sound like a Low Sec or Wormhole fight in which case you whole argument is invalidated.

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Once again, this is no longer highsec.

This used to be highsec. My proposal is to make it again highsec.

I have undocked into enemy fleets many times… occasionally maneuvering my way into spectacualar wins.

The T3 is one of the reasons you can no longer do that effectively.

My point is from a position of nearly a decade of highsec warfare… I am confident that I have the experience to assert that this play used to be common … and was fun.

T3C’s can and are regularly killed 1v1 by pvp fit vnis baiting as rat fit. Occasionally you get a moron that will just get outflown by a ratting vni, like this guy <— that was an alpha toon with ■■■■ skills that just flat outplayed him.

My point is that you are completely wrong, and you absolutely are. You can’t see it because either you’re blinded by your misplaced passion or you’re trolling. Another thing, one does not simply attack ppl in highsec w/o losing their ships to concord. Unless you get rid of concord highsec will never be the focal point for pvp that you want it to be (it never was btw).

No, Just No.

The game is not unbalanced by Triglavian or Tech 3 as they are difficult to get into, expensive, and have weaknesses that can be exploited. In fact, I want more Tech 3 ships released.

If anything, Capitals need to be banished from empire if your faction standing/security status is not high enough.

Herein lies the true problem. This isn’t an issue with these ships per-say, but rather a problem with current High Sec mechanics. The reason it was changed was because while some players found it fun, such as yourself, the majority of players in High Sec did not. Hence it was changed by CCP and continues to be changed.

… which is driving a multi year decline in player activity…

I just thought about some idiot trying to gate a titan through HS and remembering that his sec status is ■■■■ beacuse he just boson’d a fleet in lowsec.

Oh, I’m not welcomed in this space… oh I’m pointed. Oh… I’m dead. But… but… I didn’t even have time to finish aligning to the next gate. CCP FIX DIS.

IMHO Capitals being in essence the flag of a foreign power I think they should be suspect in all space they do not own (sov) and if you don’t hold sov you should not be able to own capital ships

(excluding industrials)

I genuinely believe that this game needs to radically change. High sec space should be consolidated. As someone who has played this game for many years as a risk averse player in high sec I feel like my desire to aquire isk deminished the overall experience. Making money isnt why I wanted to play this game, and its not what has kept me around. Its the original lore, the potential infused with experimentation. Doing wierd things and succeeding. Take a t1 frigate into a wh if you want isk. Just fyi to all the carebears, the triglavian collective has revealed themselves to the capsuleers they were not discovered. Were not exploring their space we have been given temporary access to inspire the next generation of their technology. They are coming to devour empire space. Both concord and the four empires wont even know what hit them. Massive swathes of space will be entirely consumed by this filament phenomena and capital ships the size of keepstars acting as mobile forward operating bases will deploy fleets of unimaginable capability. This will happen because it has to. They have been looking for the individual responsible for releasing artificially intelligent drones into new eden, and they have found him. The society of conscious thought knows both who and where he is. Everything is about to burn, especially jita. That is where this bastard lives, just sitting upon mountains of isk sipping chardonnay wearing a monocle. If it weren’t for him concord would have never started printing isk in the first place to deal with these “threats”, he probably founded concord to protect himself from the onslaught that is about to take place. This may be an opportunity for the jovian empire to reveal themselves yet again and redeem their honor and renown. These drones were engineered by the jove empire to annihilate the triglavian collective a very long time ago. Sure enough the perseverance fueled by hatred has allowed the collective the time they needed to engineer beacons specifically designed to deploy hordes of drones to do their bidding. Mainly soften targets before fielding fleets the likes of which this universe has never known. If you want high sec to be safer it has to downsize, freedom of choice and teamwork is the essence of eve, embrace that or leave

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