Banning repeated gankers from highsec

Sometimes the light shines so brightly that it blinds people and all they see is darkness. Doubly true for people who are not used to seeing light.

nuff said!


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Unfortunately, evil is necessary, that much is true.
But: someone is CURSED to be evil. That is sad true.

Then donā€™t be evil! Accept James 315 as your Saviour and Superior and get a mining permit for only 10mil ISK per year.

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Why wonā€™t you think of the C H I L D R E N
The Code is the only law you have to follow <3

Thatā€™s not entirely true. What about the laws of Bob? Iā€™d not wander WH space without praising Bob

Iā€™m staging from Thera now, so Bob is guiding my hand to all those remote places where I can slay the bot-aspirant in the name of James 315. Praise both of them.

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The Gankers say that pulling CONCORD is not a bannable offense.


Delaying CONCORD response or completely avoiding it. Committing a criminal act and delaying CONCORD response for an extended period of time.

If you pull CONCORD to location prior to actually ganking a target doing so would otherwise delay CONCORDā€™s arrival to the illegal act of aggression from their central area of launching.

Therefore ganking in High Sec is an exploit because CONCORD is always pulled to a different location such as a gank in an asteroid belt far away from the gate that the actual gank is taking place at.

Since no one knows for certain where CONCORD launches from prior to the initial gank taking place in the system, once the first gank takes place, the gankers are in fact pulling CONCORD to delay their response time to the next gank.

Ganking on a gate would therefore delay the response time of CONCORD to a gank in a belt, mission site or anomaly. All locations that gankers have been known to gank in.

Get a grip, minerā€¦


Trump, get out


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More like an anti-Trump with the amount of loosing he does. Failing so hard we will get tired of seeing him fail. He is probably frothing at the mouth behind his keyboard as he launches another wave of petitions on noobship and shuttle losses that were used to pull concord.

Define ā€œloosingā€ in that sentence.

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Go and petition it Dryson.

Let the GM tell you, you are wrong.


If chess hadnā€™t been invented yet, and CCP would be responsible to create it, then ā€¦

  • chess would have a move where one can set pieces on fire and drop 10 pawns directly onto the king
  • your primary tool for playing would be a carving knife, because youā€™ll have to create all pieces yourself
  • to move a knight youā€™d first need a pawn to light a cyno
  • when you reach the centre of the board can you buy new pieces, some of which are scams and made from paper
  • a multi-boxer would be the guy who plays several opponents simultaneously in a match of blitz chess
  • a ā€œgankerā€ would be the guy whose favorite move would be to set your pieces on fire
  • a ā€œminerā€ would be the guy with 5 different carving knifes, but who forgets to bring a fire extinguisher

Thatā€™s my theory.


GM says youā€™re wrong.

If it was an exploit CCP would have declared it as such long ago; moving Concord around in the manner you consider to be an exploit is as old as Concord itself.


Wouldnt this mean that we are not allowed to gank, at all? Cause any ganking, anywhere in any system will draw concord out, and delay ganking to any other location in the same system.

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I CBA finding the official GM response to this interpretation. Anybody else wanna chime in?

EDIT: NVM already done. Iā€™m just stupid

You were directly replying to me ā€¦
ā€¦ and after reading it ā€¦
ā€¦ i feel seriously confused.

Holy moly that made me laugh! : D

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Problem is that the people who see themselves as good ā€¦
ā€¦ most often are actually the worst people out there, in game and likely IRL as well.

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