no they didnt, they actually showed they people who quit because of ganking dont exist. for me this is provably wrong as i know several, and considering that out of every real world friend i knew previous to playing eve 6 out of the 7 left because of ganking (one left because they got bored of it in a different way) then their study that shows it doesn’t exist must be flawed.
yeah it could, but in general gankers are lazy so yes it wouldent eliminate it but it would reduce it alot, same as banning guns is proven to reduce gun crime.
If people who quit because of ganking didn’t exist, the retention rate of newbs who get ganked would have to be 100%. That is is not what CCP showed. They showed that the retention rate is higher in newbs that have been ganked than in those that haven’t. Stop reading the study wrong and trying to use anecdotes to disprove it. Your anecdotes (or similar ones) are part of the data and already considered.
As I said, something could be done to shelter those players who would quit after being ganked from ganking, but it is not necessary. If 6/7 of your friends who left did so because of ganking, you are surrounded by unusual pilots.
If gankers are lazy, what does that say about the people that they kill, particularly those that have been playing long enough to know better?
right, i think your going on the video linked above…
Im not and im not considering new players as ‘15 days old’ because within your first 15 days you dont have anything worth loosing, im talking about your first few months, when people have trained for barges etc.
And to further poke holes in the argument from the video, just search eve quitting, and you’ll see alot of elegant posts from people that want the combat system changed .
finally im not a miner, i do all sorts from pvp to manufacturing, i have losses that are easy to see none in a long time have been ganks. In short, im not someone who has been ganked that wants this to change, im someone who wants it to change because its a bad system. Yes there are gankers that love it, but they keep away players who would want to do other things.
Please share with us where CCP admitted that.
The study was about 80k random people and not about 6 you personally hand picked or just invented because you think it will support your narrative. I’m sorry, but you have nothing to show to make your case.
It only shows that your friends are too dumb to do what thousands of carebears managed to do over the last 15 years, to invest some minimal effort into making their gameplay safe. This is all part of the game something the player has to deal with. And it is not really difficult, people will tell you right away on the forums or wherever else you ask how to do it. You have to be some really really special snowflake if even mining in Highsec is too difficult for you.
Says the guy who is too lazy to invest 5min to make ganking a non issue but rather cries to CCP so they change the game…
And what does that say about your 6 friends which supposedly left because of some lazy gankers…
again you should read before do long replays
i cant find the forum entry i read where a ccp dev mentioned the difficulty in the accuracy of the exit survey, but for you my friend, look at the video above where they talked about their methodology (first 5 minutes) they only looked at the first 15 days of players for ganking. but its takes longer than that to be decently skilled with a barge… im talking about newbies, but not only 15 days old, im meaning a few months, e.g. when you have enough invested that loosing a ship could put you off.
Shooting rocks is not PvP. Calm down miner.
what loser ganks a venture lol if your not in a exhumer or bigger theres just no point
your pissed i have killed more people than you in real pvp, i understand, but can you smacktalk somewhere else the adults are trying to have a conversation.
this looser…
It is if I’m shooting the same rock, and ripping more out of it than you are.
I tend to use the survey scanner to pick people to mess with, I’ll quite often deliberately pop rocks that others are mining.
They also mentioned the survey you get when quitting the game, which means ALL subscribers who quit and that < 1% mention ship loss as a reason.
There is no reason at all to suggest that those numbers somehow flip on their head after those 15 days. And if CCP would think that is an issue they would investigate it and take action since they have an interest in keeping more players around.
You have absolutely nothing to show except some personal feelings about the topic. Nothing anyone has to take seriously
funny that i have 6 accounts, on 5 emails 3 of which i no longer use, and ive never had that email…
no reason eh…
the fact the only people that disagree are gankers speaks volumes to me
Of course it is. Player vs Pyroxeres.
You didn’t kill more people in real PvP. Actually you killed half the ISK I did and your character is 8 years older. lol
Everyone can just assume some stuff. That does not mean it is a real reason anyone has to consider yes.