Bans on HS exploiters

How can you do all that while you are watching Netflix?


Yes, I already suggested this months ago.

However you fail to realize, people are lazy :smiley:

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Serious question. Why a destroyer and not a corvette or cheap frigate?


Anyone know what happened to the OP?

Or did she finally stop logging in that alt :smiley:

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Probably created a different alt to watch what happens…

CCP belongs to the old school philosophy of “as long as the players don’t complain about bad mechanics, it’s emergent gameplay”. To be fair, it’s certainly created for some humorous footnotes of skill, like bunny hopping and strafe jumping … but most devs move on and address it.

Doing two things at the same time?
Gotta try that.

I too was shocked to find out people multibox.

You should play EQ2, funny as hell watching wizard trains 1 shotting

corvettes are free

It’s not that hard, really. Well, not if you have two monitors and ADHD. :smiley: Not that I’m encouraging such behavior or anything, as things still get lost in the wash, and if they do, and you get ganked, it’s definitely on you.

This from a confessed HS carebear.

I kind of agree but also disagree with much of this thread. That said I am a newer player (I don’t mine) but I have been getting lost in wormholes of late so am living with no security.

Yes there needs to be a mechanic that impacts the players ability to perform the action if “security” is going to be effective.

High Security isn’t high. It’s give me a minute and someone will help when they can and there is no real significant implication for the offender. Now don’t get me wrong, people should be able to gank (ambush) but the mechanic is broken if you can sustain the playstyle in “Hi Sec”. The penalty in “Hi Sec” should be such that it is not viable to constantly do, otherwise it’s not High Security and one could argue just from the name at least the dev’s initial intention is not met.

20 years later a re-ballance wouldn’t be terrible and if it pushed more people expecting pvp into low/null/wh space that would be a good thing (esp. with the falling player count).

If it was up to me and it isn’t and i’ve thought about this for no longer than the time to read this thread: I’d just make CONCORD warp to location of infingement or any red player in High Security in “X” seconds. 2 infringments in “Y” days they arrive in 1/2 “X”. 3 in 1/4 “X”…
Then you can impose a limit to infractions on a unit of time basis that makes it possible infrequently, but not sustainable frequently in High Security space. This would not stop the ambush but make people more tactical about using it in High Security space.

With any luck people looking for a fight will move to low/null/wh. Isn’t that a good thing?

There is a lot to learn in this game and I am still learning but a more clear deffinition/reality of “sucurity” zones would have helped me in my first few days and I’m sure would help the retention of other new players.

Lastly one could argue that this mechanic makes CCP money, but one could also surmise it contributes to driving newer players from the game. *Now the game is old so there are many factors but on balance, player numbers are falling so something(s) needs to be done somewhere.

*You could argue that any change will drive existing players from the game but the devs are allready doing that frequent enough.

How “sustainable” ganking is depends entirely on how much of your wallet you put in your cargo. If you put 10 billion ISK inside your anti-tanked freighter, and set it on autopilot through Uedama, ganking becomes extremely sustainable.

Making high-sec safer will only bring more players to high-sec, instead of away from it. We have decades of empirical data to support this (just look at the old QENs for population distributions). High-sec safety mechanics have only increased during that time.

Make people move to low/null/wh before you start changing other unrelated game mechanics, not after, in the hope that your changes would accomplish that as a side effect.

But why do you think that making high-sec safer (and by effect more lucrative) would push players away from it? Do you not realize how counter-intuitive that notion is?


What’s really missing is getting people not looking for a fight out of high sec and taking their first dip into lowsec to make more money – but in the process demonstrating they actually have an appetite for risk and the fortitude to handle the games’ ups and downs.

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The people who enjoy games with non-consensual PvP (and there’s quite a few of them in the world) simply aren’t playing this game that’s perceived as a relic of the past and has an almost universally-terrible reputation. Those people are playing games like Rust and PUBG (and other similar survival/BR games) instead.

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I could see that too. I think my point to Flynn was less about the kinds of folks not playing Eve and more a statement about the players we already have, which is pretty small in scope. You bringing up the wider population of gamers definitely points out that a better solution would be more comprehensive than my remark.

Dryson, how long are you playing the anti-ganking game now? Over a decade? It’s absolutely hilarious you still don’t understand the basic mechanics. You are like an anti-ganker role model.

Why would you even use a destroyer, you can use a free noob ship. And no they don’t send three different fleets if you attack three different ships. They send three different fleets if there are three gankers.

What? No, you are “protected” as long as the CONCORD fleet stays on grid. They will stay either until downtime or until a gank happens somewhere else in the system.

Maybe you should try ganking for yourself and actually learn the game mechanics so you finally know what your are doing.

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I think we all just laughed under our breath and ignored him. Do you really think he will listen?

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No, but people not familiar with the mechanics may not be capable to appreciate the clown show in full if no one points it out. It’s a public service


Another thread on ganking? It amazes me people still post these. Ill simply say here what ive started saying in all new threads on this. High Security space is High Security space. Not complete security. Its a valid playstyle and will continue to be so. Instead of complaining about ganking, learn from it and you’ll generally get better at the game, resulting in you getting ganked less. If thats not something you can accept, this may not be the game for you.

N. Kondur
Kybernauts Clade