【been sold】WTS 107m SP Perfect Avatar+other caps Pilot


Amarr Titan 5
Capital Ships 5
Support Skills 5. + Gunspec 5
Amarr Carrier 5
Amarr Dread 3
Minmatar Carrier 5
Minmatar Dread 1

Positive Wallet

1 Remap + 1 Bonus

I am out 70B


83b offered

86 bil

how much you are looking for

Jusr give me a b/o i cant refuse :stuck_out_tongue:

I am90B

91 bil i bid

just give me a cut-off day plz

If no other offers i will sell to Pranda Xeon for 91b

I am 92B

93 bil。。


I am resting, I will continue to pay attention to this role. 94B

Accepting 94b. Pls send isk and accname before someone else grabs it

Please tell me the ID of the contact

ISK and mail sent to Alice Carroll

Transfer started. Mail should come soon

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