A pet peeve of mine is constantly coming across PVE’rs that use Gallente drones for all targets simply because they have the highest base damage or they are simply too lazy to switch based on the enemy they are fighting. I can’t do anything about the lazy people but I can help educate those interested in maxing out their applied drone dps versus specific NPC factions.
I made myself a table of effective drone dps versus different factions some years ago before you could show info on NPCs to see their resistances and I’ll post it here for everyone who wants to use it. This table was made on the ingame notepad so I don’t know how well its format will hold up here.
A final disclaimer, none of this applies to sentries, I quit using them after their massive nerf several years ago and now use heavies with drone navigation computers and omi tracking links instead.
Before we dive in here is the TLDR:
Don’t ever use Gallente drones for PVE, (unless their Augmented) they are the slowest, have the worst tracking, and pretty much never hit a NPCs lowest resist. Use Caldari drones against Caldari and Gallente type enemies. Use Minmatar drones against Minmatar type enemies. Use Amarr drones against Amarr type enemies and Rogue drones.
The data below is based on an unmodified damaging shot from a Tech II drone against a specific enemy faction. Skills and different tech levels of drones will not change the ratio of damage between the different empire’s drones against a specific faction. The only exception to this are Integrated and Augmented drones which I may cover at some point in the future.
Standard Medium Combat Drone Info
A = Amarr
C = Caldari
G = Gallente
M = Minmatar
S = ‘Subverted’ JVN-UC49 x0.5 (2 Mediums = 1 ‘Subverted’)
Combat Drones
Base Damage
A = 53.76
C = 57.6
G = 61.44
M = 49.92
S = 54.4
Base Tracking
A = 0.96
C = 0.78
G = 0.696
M = 1.044
S = 0.65
Base Speed
A = 2,760
C = 2,268
G = 2,016
M = 3,000
S = 1,680
Effective Damage Versus NPCs
Amarr Navy / Blood Raiders / Sansha’s Nation / Rogue Drones
A = 27.4176
C = 17.856
G = 25.1904
M = 10.4832
S = 23.04
Caldari Navy / Guristas
A = 11.2896
C = 29.386
G = 25.1904
M = 15.4752
S = 23.04
Gallente Navy / Serpentis
A = 16.6656
C = 29.386
G = 25.1904
M = 10.4832
S = 23.04
Minmatar Navy / Angel Cartel
A = 11.2896
C = 23.616
G = 19.0464
M = 25.4592
S = 23.04
Mordus Legion
A = 21.504
C = 28.8
G = 12.288
M = 15.026
S = 22.4
Standard Heavy Combat Drone Info
A = Amarr
C = Caldari
G = Gallente
M = Minmatar
F = Gecko x0.5 (2 Heavies = 1 Gecko)
Combat Drones
Base Damage
A = 107.52
C = 115.2
G = 122.88
M = 99.84
F = 131.2
Base Tracking
A = 0.756
C = 0.642
G = 0.54
M = 0.852
F = 0.85
Base Speed
A = 1,656
C = 1,350
G = 1,200
M = 1,800
F = 1,820
Effective Damage Versus NPCs
Amarr Navy / Blood Raiders / Sansha’s Nation / Rogue Drones
A = 54.8352
C = 35.712
G = 50.3808
M = 20.9664
F = 47.232
Caldari Navy / Guristas
A = 22.5792
C = 58.772
G = 50.3808
M = 30.9504
F = 47.232
Gallente Navy / Serpentis
A = 33.3312
C = 58.772
G = 50.3808
M = 20.9664
F = 47.232
Minmatar Navy / Angel Cartel
A = 22.5792
C = 47.232
G = 38.0928
M = 50.9184
F = 47.232
Mordus Legion
A = 43.008
C = 57.6
G = 24.576
M = 30.052
F = 45.92
I determined the NPC faction resists to base my calculations on from the highest tier standard Battleship (eg Core Lord Admiral or Pith Usurper) as their resists are amongst the highest for standard non Elite NPCs and all the lesser NPCs follow the same ratio albeit with lower overall resists. Elite ships generally follow the same ratios, just with much higher resists.
I omitted Light drones because they follow the same ratios as mediums and heavies but do not posses any unique drones like the Gecko to compare against.