Best ship fit for killing new players?

@Aiko_Danuja can’t afford it. I can. Recent events in the forums have made me want to play again.


So do we need to expect more afk miners flooding new eden now that Safety is out of resources to prevent it?

Or is this thread supposed to be a cloud funding effort for Safety’s Christmas fleet?

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As a 08 player, I don’t need any funding. Just the latest fit.

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Are you looking to take out ventures and mission runners running 1’s and 2’s, or going after barges solo?

Perhaps popping high value pods off of gates?

Going to have to narrow this down a bit. There is a best practice ship and fit for each scenario.

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Catch them young. I have a old Impairor fit that can do a good job.

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And no, I will not be using this acct. I would not want to besmirch my good name! :rofl:


They used to have their gankfit on the mining bumping site or whatever they used

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Inexperienced players often don’t know you can put tank modules on your hauler, making it an easy target for an artillery Tornado.

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As often, zKill might provide some answers (if not all)…

T1 gankalyst

T2 variant

Good luck and fly explosive! o/
