Bigest bug list: these easy for children to fix

i remember just use search software can find that page

@MSXH forum posts with a huge list of items with insufficient details is not a successful way to get bugs addressed. I recommend you either, report these in the client when you find them:

See the above on how to report bugs, in the client, it is F12 → Report Bug.

You’re asking about My Bug Reports - EVE Community which used to allow you to see all bugs you’ve filed, and their status.

Or for Quality of Life issues, use the format suggested here:


but the qusetion is they dont fix bug
if not over 50bug that over 1y not fixed i will not write in list
i dont want check or compare lonely now, if they fix bug i will reedit
maybe i have to say more story:
in my write all about the game (more than eve university), i just cost 500h to test almost all, but the bugs cost me another 500h

but these are not qol, and like the COSM, suggests hardly adopted
i have move all suggset to another topic but maybe forget some, can u help find it?

maybe i forget to say: the bug report have type to select so i dont write again; f12 cant copy photo out of game; dont have ebr number is dont reported
i think maybe use ebr number is better, so now i dont have and want more time to change

i guess i know why u need me write more because u believe cpp and dont believe me
so i planned an experiment to show how ccp useless in fix bug
dont inform against my bug
in 2 week

oh no, after i ask gm how to slove a bug 20d, they slove this, i have to reedit the list
i cant believe they work in holiday now

what is bug or suggest? its hard to say
almost every use ← to show info in left and → show right thing, but some use ← to make middle thing go to left so will show right thing. inverse effect in the same design system, is it bug?both right or one wrong?
i dont want waste time, so its wrong, its bug
like 30905market search dont reset after reboot. every other search box will clean after boot, and who want to click twice after have a sleep and forget everything

v1.0 project finish in 3m
delete bug if it can make money and almost useless for bot
make one bug describe as short as it can
check all if it fixed if dont cost too much time
dont add ebr to new bug whatever if i reported
make ccp dont have ability fixed bug to other place
change language bug and the bad new launcher its hard to check the english name
translate all

I feel like you’re passionate about this topic, but to be honest I do not understand what you are trying to say. And I assume I’m not the only one.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but if you cannot express yourself better in English I fear that you’re wasting your time with this.

Have you tried posting in your native language and asking someone to translate?

what u dont undersatand

What are you using to translate?

ccp and csm, why dont fix these, and tell me how to report u will fix these immediately

amd new cpu still not start sell, change launguage has bug so i cant check the real name, so i dont translate chinese, another part is ccp dont fix bug
change cpu and reset setting, cant reset so cant change lang