Bigger is NOT Better... for EVE

This wasn’t addressed to me, but the blue donut isn’t as safe as you think, and caps aren’t OP. I know this because I haven’t been able to rat a single time in my capship for weeks, and neither have any of my friends. In fact, it’s so bad that I let my PLEX expire, and haven’t renewed it, because it’s impossible for me to undock right now and make any ISK. And what is it that is roaming my space, and the space of my friends in other alliances, and making things so unsafe? “OP CAPSHIPS!” you would no doubt say. And you’d be wrong. It’s frigates. Gangs of stealth bombers.

My point isn’t to complain and cry about not being able to play - nothing of the sort. It is what it is, and we will either adapt/overcome, or stop playing (for the moment, stop playing until figure something out). The point is to address this nonsense of the ‘safe’ blue donut and the ‘massively OP’ capship.

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Thats cool.

Id did fancy a carrier when I started, but didnt think Id be around the three years I needed back then to train em.

But when I finally got near em, I found they werent what Id hoped theyd be i.e. like a naval carrier. This was compounded by how much larger they actually were than BBs, and then I realised that it wasnt accurate to think of the ship classes in naval terms at all.

Which was a real shame. But if Im honest, the one reason that I dont have time for Caps is that they are simply an insta hammer, and tbh the avoiding that is what causes stalemates and risk aversion on all sides.

But then if they were changed to either more flexible interesting roles or re-envisioned more in line with the kind of ships that inspired them, I suppose there would be a lot of resistance from those who currently use them heavily, maybe?

I highly doubt that.

To be clear what you are doing here ^^^ is whining, what you replied to is called construction criticism and an adult conversation. If you want people to treat you like an adult, try talking like one, okay? Meltdowns are for little kids, so put the big boy pants on if you want to sit at the big boy table.

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If you have to point it out, it wasn’t.


Not all that just means its above the persons intelligence and/or maturity level. Hence why its called an ADULT CONVERSATION.

Sure. Maybe if you keep repeating it, it’ll come true.


Depends on who you have to point it out to, and why. If you have to point it out to a moron, because they are a moron, the problem is most likely on the moron side of the equation.

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It really doesn’t.

It’s very easy to blame someone else and not yourself. Especially because the alternative would mean taking responsibility.


ignorance is bliss i see :smiley:

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No, ■■■■ off. EvE is not for you.

if this is all you can add, and I see this very sentence the 3rd time at least from you just today, why the ■■■■ you even bother coming to the forum? this is where you wind your mental disability?

To annoy the hell out of idiots like you, for instance.

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It would need a man, not a crying kiddo

I’m not sure if its a result of CCP entirely. Eve accounts get older, skill into bigger stuff that’s more expensive. People become more,risk adverse, things get stale as everyone stockpiles for a war that won’t come.

Maybe CCPs error was making the big stuff so expensive to make while continually reducing miners ability to well…mine…

People would Yolo caps if it were reasonable to replace the fleet.

No you dont want people to treat you like an adult? Or you dont want to act like one? Why is eve not for me? Because im not a bitter? Because i dont act like im in elementary school? Or because i have something more intelligent to say than lame ass insults?

Enlighten me oh wizard of eve with your infinite grade school wisdom!

So you literally just admitted you come to the forums to troll and harass people? Thats genius.

I know. I hear that all the time.

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Maybe sov is the problem, if you can occupy the space its yours, might is right. No need to program.

I don’t know… I remember the same arguements when the ships were smaller. Space needs to feel big… if you have next to no chance of hanging onto things that cost you a lot in ISK or effort why play the game? I want to see more variety in space… More space that actualy makes exploration feel intrepid… not because there is some player waiting for you … or some NPC waitning for you… but that you are really risking your life or operation in dangerous natural space… so far everything dangerous is life driven… we have enough dangerous pirates. Let’s see some seriously crazy alternative mining… from suns or highly volatile moving objects in space. It’s going to take some work to develop… but hey, what else do you have to work on? more ship skins?

Learn to EvE or ■■■■ off.

Entitled whiner noted

No, we don’t.

You are, when undocking.

Let’s not.

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