Billy's destroyer adventures

[Sorry for the delay in replying, RL has me working in the sunshine on in patchy mobile coverage.]

Yeah, that was a fight you were destined to loose.
The Exequror has a capacitor that’ll take you through ten or twenty cycles of all three small neuts to burn out. He will also have a capacitor booster. Unless you are really gunning for it in an equivalent ship, just Neuting out a logistics cruiser isn’t going to happen.

If the three of you (and the Slicer) had co-ordinated your efforts you may have stood a chance. Kill the logistics first, then go for the VNI. Your drones are probably more useful than your neuts in that fight, but you’ll throw them into the mix if required.

Positioning to get your neuts on was the right thing to do. But from the perspective of an attacker; if he was small enough for you to cap out, then he would have taken one look at the 'plex with two cruisers, a frigate and a destroyer in it and not entered.
Remember, if someone enters a 'plex to fight you they have already decided they want the fight and believe they can win it (you don’t enter to loose - choosing to engage you was their choice, not yours.
Your advantage is being able to position yourself optimally to receive them. They have strategic choice (whether to fight), you have the tactical choice (how to fight).

Still, that was a 12m ISK destroyer that killed almost 100m ISK of enemy ships: an Assault Frigate and a Navy Frigate among them. Not too shabby. You are fighting for the wrong cause, but you fight well never the less.

The Slicer running is annoying. But I understand why he bailed. Shame he doesn’t have the honour to fly one the Imperial Navy’s ships.


No problem mate, RL come first ! And sorry if I bothered you with my ping, but you said you liked reading my write-ups, so I thought I’d be nice to notice you with an @ :slight_smile:

Although those three neuts managed to shut down targets I wouldn’t’ve expected, it’s quite normal that they also have a limit, and even a T1 cruiser would’ve been too much to completely shut down when compared to another destroyer or frigate…

And well, the Exequror is the armor logistic ship that is supposed to be self-sufficient, with enough capacitor to feed tank, propulsion and remote repairs & enhancements, I guess it’s normal this ship is packing quite a big capacitor, plus modules that will help it sustain its activities. This wasn’t a fight I was really prepared for, both in terms of ship and mindset.

Yeah, the drones always add a little bit of DPS, and I suppose the tackle would’ve been assured by another ship, like a disruptor from the cruisers, or even the Slicer using its speed to dodge bullets and pin down one of them (although I’m not too sure about that).

As said : I don’t think any cruiser would’ve taken the “threat” of three small neuts seriously. Although, some frigates took the risk and paid the price ^^"

When looked at that angle, it’s quite… heartwarming !

Why am I fighting for the wrong cause tho ? :no_mouth:

Wait, isn’t the Slicer an Imperial Navy’s ship ?

And sorry about that, I missclicked and posted my reply without finishing it ^^"

No need to apologise. I saw it, but couldn’t reply as quickly as I liked.

The Slicer is an Imperial Navy ship, and a good one at that. Unfortunately they can be purchased on the open market and flown by people without having earned the right to such a warship.
He ran after joining allies in defending a position. That is not honourable. He is not worthy of his ship.

There are worse causes to fight for than the Caldari, godless that they are. There are many Amarrians that would be happy to fly alongside you.

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Which is sad on a nation level, I suppose. I managed to get my hands on a copy of the book “Frigates of EVE”, and the Amarr Empire’s frigates are the first one depicted here, and the internal view of the Slicer is most interesting! Although I must admit I never had the luck to see a Slicer in its golden coating, but I suppose this heavier version is only shown during official parades.

Also, I had some questions regarding “progression”, if I can call it like that at least. I’m having tons of fun with Dragoon and the neuting genre of PVP, but which ships should I look forward to ? I know that bigger isn’t better, but I’d still like to engage cruisers and other ships like that.

Although, I think I’d have to invest in T2 Recon cruisers for that…

There really isn’t “progression” in Eve, you gain experience and realise that you end up flying ships you enjoy doing things you like. If you are enjoying PvP in Faction Warfare, find a group there and work with them - small fleet ops in the warzone are a lot of fun and normally focused on smaller (Cruisers, destroyers and frigates) ships. “Progression” is learning to be a better pilot and enjoying yourself. It isn’t “you must go to null” or “you must fly a carrier and go ratting” or “you must multibox a mining fleet”. It’s what you enjoy.

Alternative capacitor warfare ships: well, as you’ve probably realised it’s an Amarrian speciality. The Sentinel, the T2 Electronic Attack Frigate has a bonus to neutralising amount as well as range and weapon disruption (castrate 'em, drain 'em and grind down their husks). It is very specialised; basically a small version of the Curse - which I gather you’ve spotted. The only other bonused hull is the Armageddon battleship which is a big Dragoon in concept.
Specialised neuting is a support function for a fleet - it can be very effective against logistics where it can be devastating if you cap out part of a logistics wing and collapse their capacitor chain. You can expect to be a priority target (nice killmail and a good threat to remove).

I rarely fly ships much bigger than Cruisers - though most often Heavy Assault Cruisers. I’ll fly a battleship for Level 4 missions or when I’m required to do so in a fleet, though I’m normally a logistics flyer (I’ve Logistics V, so I’m a useful pilot) or if given the choice an e-war support ship. I’ve rarely been into null, more often into Low Sec space, most of my big battles have been in high-sec. Progressing means different things to different people.



It’s been a while since I haven’t posted in this topic, but I’d like to share a new adventure that happened to me as soon as today!

Recently, I’ve been kicked from KINSHIP (luv you guys :heart:) because with school starting once again, my playtime schedules were completely changed, and I couldn’t keep up with the activity (and when I could log in, fleets already departed or were late). But now that vacations started for about two weeks, I’ll profit from this little change and fight again with the good people of the Caldari Militia !

As with some others here, I follow the videos of Lasker Emanuel, and I’m mesmerized by the fights he can pull out in dreadnoughts. However, I’ve been more interested in an “educational” video lately, being the Bait Tank Incursus. I’ve tried this fit, flew it around Black Rise & Tama, and boy it’s great !

So great that I used the free SP to get Gallente Frigate V and T2 blasters AHEM

I first tried it yesterday, with T1 blasters and Gallente Frigate III only, and got an unmanned Venture and a Mining Cormorant (the pilot was starting, so I tried to chat a bit with him afterwards :smiley:). But what really sold me was this : Daredevil. Long story short : I warp around Vlillirier and when I get within DSCAN range of a novice plex, I spot the Daredevil on DSCAN. And boy did I wanted to kill it!

Might’ve been my mistake, but Lasker’s video featured him killing a Daredevil with an Incursus. Little difference between the two was that Lasker had T2 guns and I certainly think he had Gallente Frigate V, plus better Gunnery skills and an HG Asklepian set ^^".

However, when I warp at zero on the gate, the Daredevil is sitting there too ! I tried to warp through the acceleration gate, to try and get a better starting position, but he scram me before I can manage to warp. He thus start a little bit outside CN Antimatter range, so I AB toward him (it’s not fun with a -83% web on your head ^^").

Concerning this fight, I’m quite pleased. My time playing around with my neut Dragoon taught me how to manage my drones, and so far I haven’t forgot my lone Hobgoblin II in any fight I’ve fought. However… I didn’t managed my tank that well. See, it’s also my first time using combat drugs in fights, and this time I flew with a Pyrolancea II and an Improved Exile. I was lucky too, the Exile I consumed right as the fight with Daredevil started didn’t had any side effect !

But even with that, I cycled my SAAR too late. I starting to get hull damage when I first cycled it, trying to bait tank as advised. And this Daredevil was almost taking hull damage too ! But with all that, I couldn’t get another rep cycle going, and I lost my first Incursus. Now that I look at it, it had T2 guns ?? My bad, I forgot when I got those ^^"

However, I got featured on the killmail ! Right after my pod warped out, a lone Punisher entered the scene and finished off the Daredevil, with me getting featured as the highest damage dealer (70.4% of the damage) ! It’s not a legit solo kill, but it’s still great for me.

As such, I packed my stuff for the day and went to sleep. And today, I woke up even more determined to test this Incursus out ! And it went greatly !

So far, I managed to get four killmails, with three solo : a beginner’s Tristan, a tougher Tristan, a rail Incursus (this one was great for my armor management, with a booster that gave me -25% to armor HP, capacitor max capacity and missile explosion speed ^^") and finally a Breacher that decided to engage me at point blank range right after he won a fight against a glass cannon Thrasher, that left him with very few armor HP, but he managed to repair some damage during the fight.

As such, it’s the first time I see this on any of my ships !


I hope I’ll be able to snatch more kills with this little fanged monster ! Thank you for reading all of this, fly safe :smile:


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