Bitcoin - A tool or an investment?

right so you’re here to make personal attacks ?

Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people. Please avoid:

  • Name-calling.
  • Ad hominem attacks.

No personal attack was made. It’s clear from what you yourself wrote that you are totally happy to ignore a lot. If my observation upsets you stop commenting here.

I’m fine with you ignoring whatever you choose to really I am. but please don’t expect me to agree with you. You will be challenged in a public forum if you type falsehood.

yes, personal attacks you made.

a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a personal attack as a diversion often using a totally irrelevant, but often highly charged attribute of the opponent’s character or background.

You attack my ignorance, rather than attacking the substance of my argument. This makes it a personal attack.

An argument can only be based on fact or one’s understanding of the facts. You do not have all of the facts and you do not want to understand all of the facts. I am attacking the substance of your argument because you are ignoring facts, you’re here telling people BTC has no purpose which is false.

The substance of your argument is poor because you have no evidence that BTC is “just a toy” and there is evidence BTC is not a toy but infact a tool which is useful to some.

That’s BS.

That’s BS too.
You made up those “you ignore X” things, making it a personal attack.

No, you’re attacking an image you are presenting of myself. Which makes it a personal attack.

Not only do I tell, but I also explain why and how.
Argument that you completely eluded with personal attacks.

Sorry the substance of your argument is poorly researched because you seem to ignore facts. Not taking this statement back because it is what I can see.

No you have not explained why BTC is ONLY a Toy, you just declared as such without giving much reasoning.

You don’t even answer the substance of my argument.

You don’t even try.

More personal attacks.
Well I guess this thread needs to be closed too.

No, it is what you want to see.
It’s an interpretation that you made and which you use to completely disregard my arguments when you can’t cope with them.
That’s dishonest.

I did not even make such an argument.
More dishonesty.

My actual argument was

And the explanation was literally the paragraph before.

Wrong again, I have presented evidence that BTC is not a “TOY” in fact a simple google search will confirm, but you enjoy trolling more it seems.

No, you have not provided any evidence related to the argument I made.
You have, however, twisted what I wrote and used it out of context as a basis for your personal attacks.

You’re aware you’re talking to grown adults right? I think a bit more is needed to understand you than just “it’s a TOY”

I Have, I said it’s not a toy because I use it for legal transactions. I’ve also posted info from the BTC creator stating it can be used for trasnactions, and I have also linked webpages that make it crystal clear BTC is not a toy and actually used for transactions…

What other eveidence would you have me present to counter your poorly researched argument that “BTC is a Toy”?

Have you finished trolling me now?

The quality of your responses definitely makes my doubt that assertion.

What’s more, it’s perfectly explained in that context.
Though, since you misrepresent my argument, of course you can’t understand what it actually means and its explanations.

That’s not addressing my argument.

Same as above.

Read again what I was answering to and the argument there was.

Can’t waste my time explaining you again what is already crystal clear for non dishonest people.
If you can’t understand it and need to misrepresent once, there is no reason to believe explaining it would make you intelligent enough to read my posts correctly.

The people I was answering to seems, on the opposite of you, able to understand what it meant.
You not being able to understand an answer that was not targeted at you is not a problem. However, you making personal attacks is, and you not understanding what I wrote, is not a valid reason to make those personal attacks.

As I say buddy believe whatever you like I’m fine with it.

No you’re not, otherwise you would not make personal attacks on a regular basis.

No problem buddy.

No it’s not.

You literally made personal attacks to elude all the arguments I made, steadily increasing the aggression of your posts, to the point of making up claims I did not make.

You pretend to justify your harassment based on your interpretation of misrepresentations of my posts, with childish “no I did not make personal attacks because that’s what I think”.
EVERY time I made a counter argument you eluded it with MORE personal attacks.

You have big problems in your head. Delusions being only one of them, and lack of respect another one.

shrugs just responding to what i see on the screen, if you’re that offended by me pointing out the logic/illogic of your posts perhaps you shouldn’t post on a public forum debating anything.

I quoted what you wrote and then commented on the logic of what you said and fount it had no factual basis which I informed you of. Again if you take offense from someone doing that you should’nt be posting on a public forum where that will most likely happen.

You were clear in your view that BTC is used as a Toy, I disagree and there isn’t anything you can do about me disagreeing with you,

Also if you feel like you are being harrassed feel free to contact a moderator and also feel free to stop posting on a thread which I created. I’m totally fine with both.

You are not.
Instead, you are doing personal attacks.
Which is against the rules.

You are not.
You are doing the opposite : personal attacks are used to prevent the debate.

I am posting on a public forum which has a rule against personal attacks. I expect you to respect those rules. You don’t. I call you out on that.

Maybe you should not post on a public forum if you can’t understand its rules.

You made false quotes.
I NEVER pretended that BTC is only a toy. You added this word to misrepresent my post.

And yes I take offense of you making false quotes. It’s also forbidden and again you should not post if you can’t accept the rules.

No I was not. You are a liar.
The only case of me using the word “toy” was when someone asked what was the “final goal” of BTC. This does not talk about how it is used.
You completely made up that idea by removing the context and adding terms I did not use.

And the simple fact that I said it is used to scam people (no ONLY either…) implies that I know it’s not used only as a toy.
You made up complete BS strawman, just because you can’t accept critics on the actual topic of this debate.

No, you are making a strawman.

Will do the former. You have insulted me, there is no way I will let that pass now. Your constant antagonizing was way over what is acceptable.
But what I do outside of the discussion is not yours to talk about. Again, personal attack.
Whatever I do does not change that you were harassing me. Just because I keep posting, does not make your harassment more acceptable.

I’m no longer interested in your views or anything else you have to say, think/believe what you like.

You were not to start with.
You were only interested in promoting your opinion, even when it goes against reality.

If you were actually interested in discussion, you would not have used the strawmen, false quotes, and personal attacks you harassed me with.