Bitcoin - A tool or an investment?

Could you take your profile off private so I can mute you? I should be free to mute anyone on this forum.

Is setting one’s profile private a way to avoid being muted? I can’t seem to mute stefina.

Learn to deal with your frustration .



Should? :thinking: Maybe if she feels generous she’ll let you mute her for 1 bil ISK. :smiling_imp: :blush:

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What’s this then!!?? Forum thread extortion? lol Are you supposed to be ssome sort of negotiator?

Welcome to elite forum PvP. :wink:

I take a cut of all profits. :innocent:

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By the way to answer your question and help you out:


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Bit Coin is fraud.

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I’m still not convinced that a tool that performs a useful function is a fraud, The last time I used Bitcoin I purchased about £44 worth of it and then sent it to a retailer, a couple of weeks later I recieved £44 worth of goods from the online retailer.

Please feel free to explain where the fraud is as I’m not able to see it. Surely if it was a fraud I would have lost my £44?

The only fraud I can see it people being convinced to buy AND hold very large amounts of BTC in order to keep the value of a BTC high.

I just wonder when exactly are we going to hold rich/greedy people responsible for exploiting people on a lower income and blatantly using them to maintain the value of an “investment”.

All it takes is a rich person or a financial advisor telling us “BTC value will sky rocket” and we are convinced easily. The issue is that many people may have become gulliable due to the difficulty of the financial aspects in today’s society.

I feel the same about all the radio personalities telling people to buy gold.

I’m convinced that people who voluntarily simplify a system in order to make it appear better than it is, are scammers.

Can you explain this? You’ve lost me again…

As far as I know any system that does not do what it was made to do is useless. Nobody has the power to make something “appear better” it either performs the required functions or it does not.

It was made crystal clear what BTC is for and what it’s function is because the creator of BTC spoke about it extensively around the time BTC/Blockchain was revealed to the public. It was made clear that BTC can assist in performing transactions without 3rd party approval…

I have performed transactions where I haven’t used a 3rd party thanks to BTC, so…it is safe to say…BTC does exactly what it’s designed to do.

Stefina, I think the entire thread knows and understands your perspective where you think systems are responsible for scams and people are in no way shape or form accountable. If one does not want a 3rd party involved during retail transactions use BTC, if they dont mind a 3rd party being involved in their reatil tranactions then stick with Visa/Mastercard.

One cannot simplify a system, it either does what’s required or it does not. the RETAIL users like myself can actuially see what BTC does, You keep missing my point…so I’ll type it one last time for you.

STAY AWAY FROM BTC IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A USE FOR ANY OF IT’S ACTUAL FEATURES. this means do not spend your life savings buying and holding it if you have no idea what it is and what it’s function is. Buying large amounts of BTC and holding it in the hope that one’s money is doubled or trippled is not the way to use BTC, listening to people tell you to buy and hold large amounts means you are being manipulated into raising the value of BTC artificially.

If you can’t understand my viewpoint I think you should stop typing to me until you do understand my viewpoint. You can of course disagree with my views, if you do can you provide some reasoning as to why you disagree without arguing semantics and try to make sure you consider facts. If you are unable to do this there’s really no point in talking.

Also, you claimed that I was harrasing you…can you now explain why you are quoting me and responding in a thread I created?

I for one haven’t got anything to say to anyone I think is harrassing me…your accusations are wild and inaccurate and I think you should either apologise for saying that or stop posting here.

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So, basically you are paying money for stolen or cheaply made goods using Bit-Coin. Yep, you’re getting scammed.

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The demand for gold is a little different, from what I can understand many industries use gold, for example electricity flows through gold very well so immediately we can see anyone who builds circuit boards also has a high demand for gold.

Gold is also used to coat the mirrors used in telescopes sent to space as it optimises the mirror for infrared light this is the main wavelength of light telescopes will observe.

I would think the value of gold depends on the demand and scarcity, I think people promoting buying and holding gold is actually a good investment tip because the use/demand of gold is organic, there is a strong community of people who demand gold for their projects and are very happy to pay for it. People who hold gold for profit/investment can benefit from it’s organic nature.

Bitcoin on the other hand seems to be a sophisticated tool which some people find useful for value transfer, there is only a small community of people who use BTC for retail/transactional reasons so I can’t see much organic growth in the user base.

Also, with retail usage BTC will be purchased from a crypto exchange and then sent to the retailer, where the retailer will most likely change it back to their currency straight away upon receipt.

An interesting video about scamming, it seems investors believed their BTC investment was making money but then learned they were interacting with a simulated trading program.

The Billion Dollar Scam - BBC World Service Documentaries

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The scammers are now befriending victims in a process known as “Pig Butchering” where they engage with the victims via text and lead them to believe they are making money via their fraudulent software app.

How Americans Are Losing Their Life Savings To Crypto Fraud

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$93m in BTC Liquidated in 4 hours

It seems lots of people are pulling out of their BTC investment, hopefully this will help the investors understand they were instrumental in propping up the value of BTC using artificial methods.

As I said earlier, if the benefits of BTC are No third party approval, and a ledger that cannot be manipulated, decentralised, and value transfer, then it will only appeal to a small handful of people in the world as there isn’t much organic demand for it like there is with Gold.

Of course there is a business community that might find a use for BTC/Crypto where money can be transfered around the world cheaply, but this hasn’t really taken off so there hasn’t been much organic use of BTC/Crypto.

Perhaps all of this will end with the BTC value dropping back to a considerably lower value that only matches the retail demand for BTC and crypto? I guess a decentralised market place is just that…there is no insurance or safety net and you have to be super skilled and knowledgeable to enter such a market and thrive.

To me it seems that due to the nature of Crypto, Investors/financial advisors have manipulated lots of people into buying/holding crypto for the specific purpose of propping up the price artificially. Perhaps this will become apparent over the next few weeks, I will be keeping an eye on this as £93m is a lot of BTC sold within 4 hours, I don’t think a massive investor will come along and buy the loss and prop up the value again, who knows.

Maybe this has been orchestrated? Is it possible for a group to purposely sell a ton of BTC to promote fear and get another ton of people to sell? Once other people have got scared and sold could the same group of people or their associates then buy all the BTC that was sold through scaremongering and double their holding cheaply?

You will never know because the “intended use” is anonymity. /end thread.

I found an interesting article: russia to trial crypto payments for military related imports If this trial is a success I’m sure we will see more sanctioned countries use Bitcoin for their trading.

Bitcoin will enable them to bypass their sanctions and trade with some other countries. I neither agree or disagree with this but find it interesting how Bitcoin if used properly can be quite effective.

You may be right.

Don’t see why this thread should be ended though, I wish to understand Bitcoin more and discussing it with peers seems to be the right way to go about it.