Black OPs and Bastion Modules?

Like I said, there isa good way to add new content and a bad way.

I love seeing new content and agree that CCP should add more.

However, that extra content shouldn’t introduce powercreep. Powercreep means that the new content is useful at the cost of old content that is now irrelevant. Powercreep may work in a game like WoW where every expansion makes the previous expansions irrelevant, but is disastrous in a game where all content is meant to be balanced and relevant, such as a game like EVE.

Yes, new ships are good. But they should not replace roles of existing ships.

cost and difficulty of creating things usually keeps the weaker hulls relevant though. Also, in real life, technology always outgrows the old and I’d rather have a bunch of “irrelevant” hulls instead of a bunch of irrelevant skins

Yes, but EVE is not real life.

Powercreep, not real life, etc are all terms and phrases to hold eve back. It’s human nature to want to see improvement and denying it over made up terms and things even children know (all games aren’t real life but the best ones imitate it), is why eve has always been in the state it’s in. It’s held up by fandom and crippled by it at the same time making it stagnant. People lie to themselves when they say eve is for a niche market. People are just entitled and feel as if they have a say in a game they don’t develop themselves but if you really wanted a game the way you want, you’d go make one yourself instead of trying to subvert and undermine another game company’s product. Good ideas get skipped because of terminology and phrases that have been with the game forever and the people who preach it can’t seem to understand how they influence eve to become. They’ll blame CCP before their own influences.

This is that Superman vs. Batman thing. Which is more interesting and easy to make gripping story with.

Please watch this, it may explain you more about power creep.

You need to stop believing everything you see online

This is some prime Dunning-Krueger

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I’d like to be able to run Invention on faction ship BPCs…
An Assault Frigate or Interceptor Dramiel/Garmur? Yes Please!

Orcas aren’t capital ships.


Marshall with a Bastion module appears :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre:

Blops are designed to hit hard and fast, then leave. They have amazing bonuses to be able to throw out enough dps and have the mobility to control engagements and disengagements

Not only would bastion go against the mobility design, you would be doubling the dps of an already high dps ships (for example, you can reach roughly 2500 dps and still have 100k ehp on a polarised redeemer, or if you opt for shield you can get upwards of 3200 dps at 50-60k ehp)

As an avid panther user the thought of being able to fit a module that stops my ship is almost heretical

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