Blackflag bullies of empire space

And as expected.

A no show. They are hiding in another system staying away. All the bluster on the forums, flaccid in game.

Dear Diary,

Today Evil and 6 other friends ran when I entered local in a shuttle. They were shooting my structure and I waited until it got really low in shields before I jumped in. They are still stuck in 2018 using Oracle tactics.

Maybe next time they might succeed.

@ISD_Golem @ISD_Traindriver This thread does not actually belong here. It is actually just silly and fun and prolly needs to be in C&P.

yea your right


sorry :slight_smile:

the distraction was nice until I re-enforced it with 4 bombers and 1 oracle

And will be active again soon.

This was not you. The normal 100 man INIT bored fleet came and did it. This happens once every 6 or so months.

So don’t pat yourselves to much on the back. You are pretty much none relevant, a nat at most just behind the ball sack of a bull.

First, you didn’t do ■■■■! It was INIT., a respected entity, a good foe. You are using this to take credit for something you would have never been able to do on your own.

Second, do you think we care about an Astrahus? Right. LOL

Third, Kane put it very nicely in his reply, I won’t. There isn’t even a word for what you are. I wanted to go with “a-piece-of ■■■■”, but that is way to nice. You belong to a category so low, heck, can’t even recognize you.

Last, you’ve made it to #1 on our shitlist. Mark my words, you will suffer, we will come after you until hell freezes over. No one is going to help you. Enjoy!

With no respect and no regards,

All wars except yours?

Never said it was just me.
BUT you got blown up and thats good for the noobs that your guys war dec to bully on.

There are olympics for people like you…


LOL your really funny.

Not true.

What’s this? Another war?? How can this be?

How many have you killed with 10 caracals?

@khromius lol i think it was ya know i am enjoying reading this thread.

Hey buddy, where have you been?

Love it.

I agree that it is mean of BlackFlag to attack high sec corps, but honestly I’d be more upset if they were banned from doing so.

This is one of those “I disagree with what you say, but defend your right to say it” situations.

The true problem from my noob perspective is that these HighSec corps are not organizing well enough. That is not BlackFlag’s fault

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