Blackflag feeds AGAIN! 😳

The BR speaks for itself; imagine being so bad you only bring one web on a Loki… thanks for the fight, BlackFlag. :3

Little AAR, for those curious about the different ships and forms, we in SLOW RFed their war HQ in our prime USTZ on Thursday. Still, being the dirty USTZ peeps we are, we called our good coalition friends in Synergy and anyone else interested because weak EUTZ forms for SLOW. We at first were going to do HFIs, but then BlackFlag. Undocked a Vargur fleet so we caught a fat kid with nados and reshipped into Thrashers with points when we saw they had no MJD and didn’t refit to Autocannon…

We did two waves of Thrashers, with the first wave nuking 1/3 of their logi wing and the second wave securing tackle on most of the Vargurs they tried to escape with after the structure repped. Synergy’s Gilas and -RA-'s DNIs did the heavy lifting on the DPS side, tearing through the remaining logi and support with the arty Vargurs having difficulty tracking and applying. BlackFlag. managed to save their War HQ, which got re-RFed after the fight on Monday at 20:49 in Aokannitoh. I cannot wait to see what they try then!

PS: Buying out Thrashers and 280mm guns in Jita won’t bring those High-Grade Pods back BlackFlag. but thanks for buying my overpriced modules :3

Credit: MatthewOHearn ( Sl0w Children At Play )

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Credit Goes To AVI666.

Checkout his YouTube page

Enjoy the video.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Very entertaining, thanks. :grin:

Thrashers are the best Ships in Game!

Good Video!

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Shhh, we don’t want people to know this.

It’s a secret of those that Trust the Rust that you’re supposed to keep to yourself. Now you’ve betrayed the Rust, and must pay the penalty. :rofl:

Khromius salt after his fleet was wiped out and was forced off their own war HQ. Few weeks ago he was trash talking Sl0w, yesterday he ran from Sl0w!


Blackflag’s War HQ down, lost 90+ wars. Great job Phoenix Co. & Sl0w.


alwasy good blackflag burning

BLACKFLAG declared war on us a while ago so we have experience of dealing with them. I wouldn’t worry too much, they are at best a nuisance rather than a serious threat. They will attack an unfitted Upwell structure if they have 50+ in fleet and you have no defense fleet but that’s about all they are capable of. They always run away if you bring any ship that looks like it can fight back.


Translation : we suck

Like your Griffin and Pod?

Are you saying he made an Error?

:thinking: :innocent: :popcorn:

I’d say he needs to get a grip on reality.

Poor thing lives in a fantasy world.

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