I like that. For instance, introduce some kind of ‘friend or foe’ system. If somebody clicks d-scan and on ally/corp level the pilot has some special code entered already in a system (like password for jump bridge) he/she is not showed in the d-scan results. If the code was old/wrong/not set up he/she will be shown in the result of d-scan with different color (red - not set up; yellow - the code is old; etc.)
Even if exposing player standings for d-scan was desirable from game design perspective, CCP would most likely not do it, because of the server load added to each d-scan, caused by looking up each hit and applying your standings to them.
Game designers like it when players are 50/50 that any feature is too good or too bad. They know something is wrong with their design when 90+ percent of players agree on something.
About over 90% of the players you are exaggerating. Yes, most of them are happy with the update, but there are less than 55% of them. In fact, opinions were divided around 50/50. As a recent survey showed.