I can name any ship “poop emoji” if I want. I can make that ship active and then inactive and it will remain poop emoji. I can drop the ship into a corprate hanger and it will still be poop emoji. I can player trade poop emoji and it will remain as such… poop emoji. I can contract it, abandon it in space, then reboard it, load it into another ship such as a bowhead or frigate bay (if it is a frigate of course, what, think I’m stupid?) and low and behold, it is still poop emoji. Self destruct and guess what? The wreck is still…
BUT blathering idiot’s Capsule… will not keep its name. Why not? Why do i need to constantly rename it? It isn’t changing… WTF???
Thanks for your attention to this dire matter.
Penned from:
blathering idiot’s capsule