Botting prevention: Display a captcha equivalent

The point is, if any puzzle can be solved by botters, this includes any type of in-game puzzle or activity. Using an external “puzzle” separates gameplay design decisions from bot-prevention measures AND you can change the type of “puzzle” without affecting gameplay. This is why the idea makes sense.

It also separates the player from gameplay too though, in a game where you aren’t safe.
This is why captcha is always a bad idea for EVE in game.

This will only piss off legitimate players. Try again.

I think that would depend on how frequent the puzzle is displayed. The less bot-like the player, the less frequent the requirement. You could have regular players never see the puzzle for days or even weeks.

No. Anytime It will ruin the experience of the game.

What happens if the test is failed ? I can’t use my ship ? IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT ? OF A FIGHT ? HO YEAH ?

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PVE only.

It will not ruin the experience of the game any more than designing the game around botters, in my opinion. The community is already paying a price for it. It is just not explicit or visible.

Bots are better at these than I am, huge NO!


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There is no PVE only time in EVE…
Well maybe Abyss, but that’s timed pve ith boundaries and high requirements which is just as bad to interrupt.

Player ship died on grid after being damaged by another player? Delay captcha for 10 min for everyone on grid.

Not to mention seeing a captcha at the exact moment of a pvp encounter would be very slim for players engaged in PVE.

I think we already covered that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“very slim” adds up very fast when it happens tens of thousands of times a day to tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of players. I don’t think you understand scale very well.

What do you think is the ratio of time spent PvPing (or trying to avoid PvP) while doing a PVE activity for players mainly focused on PVE?

Let’s try some math. Assume during a 10-hour PVE session a player is the victim of 3 forced PvP attempts on average. Assume each attempt lasts 10 minutes. That is 30 min over 10 hours.

Assume captcha is displayed once every week to this player. If this is a very active player, playing 70 hours/week, they will be the target of 21 gank attempts on average, with 3.5 hours of total forced PvP time.

The probability of capthca appearing (every 10 minute interval as 1 time step) P(captcha) = 1/(70*6) = 0.0024 = 0.23%

Probability of forced PvP time P(pvp) = 3.5/70 = 0.05 = 5%

Probability of captcha appearing during forced PvP time = P(captcha) ∩ P(pvp) = 0.0024 * 0.05 = 0.00012 = 0.012%

I think that qualifies as very slim. The total probability for the entire player base then would be, assuming 200k players actively playing 70 hours/week, which is a very conservative estimate:

P(total) = 200k * 0.012% = 24

So 24 players will see a captcha during forced PvP encounters every week, under these assumptions.

So you just doomed 24 players a week to die to PVP because they were busy dealing with a captcha and unable to respond.
Now also add in the players who have to deal with a PvE wave that actually challenges them.
And you are going to be killing hundreds of players a week with captcha. Consider that.

See above.

And see above for the issues you just introduced as a result of that.
You keep trying to add more and more complication to this, that in of itself says that this is a terrible idea.

Look, accept it, Captcha’s are a bad idea in EVE.
Sure we don’t like bots, but lets not burn the entire place just to get bots, we still want it to actually be a game we want to play afterwards.

I don’t know, Nevyn. I guess we see things differently. Thank you for your valuable feedback, though. I appreciate it.

I dont see how CAPTCHA is different from Relic/Hacking minigame?

Could move the reward, or great portion of it from the anomaly bounties to a hackable building after the defenses have been cleared. Not only would it be more lore-friendly, it would invent nothing really new.

The relic/hacking minigame is a specific risk/reward part of EVE, where you take focus away from overview & deepscan to the minigame in order to recieve bacon.
It also constitutes only a tiny portion of your time doing exploration, you control exactly when it happens, and you can influence it via in game mechanics such as ship choice, skills, fittings.

If you really don’t see the difference…

Yea and as while you are solving the captcha the other pilot is getting into his optimal. As soon as you solve it he locks and blaps you before you can react. Or in the time it took a 1v1 became a 1v5 because his buddies caught up. Or during this period your ship flew right into a structure losing all momentum and so you were way more vulnerable than your opponent and started the fight at a major disadvantage.

or not even that, you are running a mission/anomoly where you can only survive by kiting the room, but in the time you are solving the captcha all the rats get into optimal and you die.

There are just a few brainstorming scenarios where this would be bad outcomes specifically due to this mechanic.

Please differentiate PvE from PvP for me in a way that the game server can meaningfully interpret.

New flash: you can’t.

There is no PvE in EvE. Everything is PvP. What often gets mistaken for PvE is still PvP, it’s just that other players aren’t trying to stop you from doing it at that particular moment.