BPO Research and Profits

Hi all,

I was wondering if I could get some opinions for researching BPO’s in a high sec structure with T 1 rigs. I would be using some other players structure who’s system index is quite low and tax is low too.

Am I right in thinking that I cannot profitably research more expensive BPO’s in high sec resell for example an Orca (this seem to be the case). In addition, I would like to know what ‘level’ of BPO’s do people usually research in high sec?

If you want to reasearch more expensive hull BPOs you could use the Huola stations for that. Excellent bonuses and the fac war price reduction bonus. For smaller stuff, like let’s say a full set of small ammo BPOs, you can use any HS NPC station or that structure you mentioned. Packs do sell all the time. Esp. for BPOs you imported from space that is not Caldari HS so you provide a service that goes beyond 10/20ing BPO sets. I tend to research any BPO in HS as long as I know the structure is safe and the tax isn’t too horrendous, which it tends to be for BPOs with higer base value.

If you want to do BPO research in HS, especially the very expensive stuff, you use your own Altcorp with a POS. Reason is simple: you can look for a system with the lowest possible SystemCostIndex and you don’t pay any fees to no one, except the mandatory SCC fee. And no one but you will ever have access to the labs and blueprints.
Just make sure to fill a lot of Science-Job Slots at the same time so the fuel-costs are splitted up on many many blueprints. Before starting a new job, check the SystemCostIndex again and either give it some time to drop down or just move the POS a few jumps so you get the lowest possible SCI again. A faction small POS doesn’t eat up much fuel anyway and in case of a wardec (what never happened to me over many years) you simply cancel the jobs and unanchor and the war is invalidated immediately.

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I’m 98% sure that POSes can no longer do industry stuff of any kind. You’d need an Upwell structure for that which is significantly harder to move.

You can still do BPO research, manufacturing, invention and copying on a POS. I still have one up that does certain jobs for me every now and then.


Good to know. Which boni do you get? Or is it just untaxed/pure scc base research bonus based on skill+implants?

POSes don’t give any boni to jobs. You can produce/research faster and slightly more efficient on an Upwell Structure, for the price of either needing a way to defend it, or not having 100% control over the services and paying for the usage.

Then I’d say the Huola Sotiyo beats the tax skip of 0.25% you have with a POS, Assuming you pay both SCC surcharge of 4% and the Index Tax as percentage of the PTV.
Sure it is a LS station but on the one hand it’s Amarr FW so you don’t have Tama etc. levels of gatecamping, it is fully rigged and it is backed by Deepwater Hooligans (sure that could mean nothing at all down the line).
I’ll try to remember this thread once I move the Metenox BPO there to show what I mean. Looks like we are once again at a point of who do you trust in this game :smiley:

Or just use Lazy Blacksmith :: Search blueprint to get the time and cost estimate before moving it

Excellent. Another tool for the browser folder! This fills a gap I struggled to fill for a long time thx

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