Hey all, as a new player I often search for EVE Online gameplay footage, and I’m always presented with the EVE Online zoomed out at max, wasting all the time and hardwork of the art team working so passionately on improving its visuals.
Then I came across this youtuber named “delonewolf”, he always plays at close view despite of the disavantage in lacking intelligence for a reason he states “To help new players see the beauty of EVE”. Players trying to admire the beauty of EVE shouldn’t be punished.
With that in mind, I wonder if it’s possible to implement a 3D overview so that we can look closer at our ship while not experiencing a disadvatage in gameplay? Similar to what No Man’s Sky, Elite Dangerous have?
Could you at least post screenshots of what you are talking about, or is everyone expected to know or look it up themselves? I know, this is probably coming across as rude to you, but I believe it’s you who is rude for expecting us to look it up ourselves. I, for one, have no idea how the UIs of these games look like and as it is your thread, I believe you’re the one who should save us the time of looking it up ourselves.