New Default Overview on Singularity

Hello everyone,

We have updated Singularity today to include the new default overview for your testing and feedback purposes. We are in the process of writing an extensive blog on the full changes for default overview settings which we hope to be able to share with you soon where we will cover the following:

  • Transition on your clients from the old one to the new one and how that is going to work
  • Default overview tabs
  • Default columns
  • Overview Tab Presets
  • Default presets for default tabs
  • Appearance
  • Brackets
  • Default columns

In the meantime, here is the full list of the Tab Presets and we would very much appreciate you taking a look at these and letting us know what you think about them.

It’s worth stating that the release of the new Default Overview will not automatically change any of your current settings on existing accounts.

Please also use this thread to give us your thoughts on the changes found on Singularity.


Preset Name Types States Note
' General ' All NPC ships, all player ships, containers, hacking containers, wrecks, deployables. All Similar to the General preset we have today
' Target Capsuleer: All ' All player ships, drones, bombs and probes Neutral and hostile All targets you can shoot at including drones. No friendly. Useful for solo / small fleets.
' Mining ' All asteroids and asteroid belts Neutral and hostile Similar to the Mining preset we have today but showing also the asteroid belts.
' All ' All Neutral and hostile Similar to the Mining preset we have today but showing also the asteroid belts.
✜ General: Clean - No Wrecks, Collidables Same as ' General ' but with no wrecks and no LCO/LCS All Enables focusing on killing the NPC without the wrecks and collidables cluttering the overview
✜ General: Factional Warfare Subset of ' General ' - less entities, celestials, deployables Neutral and hostile Focused on FW activities
✜ General: Incursion Subset of ' General ' - less entities, celestials, deployables Not in fleet, not neutral Focused on running Incursions
✜ General: NPSI Fleet More PVP focused than ' General ' - ships, stations and gates/td> Not in fleet Handy preset for joining "Not Purple - Shoot It" fleets.
✜ General: War Targets More PVP focused than ' General ' - ships, stations and gates At war only Useful in hisec only. It shows war targets but no neutrals.
✄ Target Capsuleer: All - No Drones Same as ' Target Capsuleer: All ' but with no drones and fighters Neutral and hostile Suited for larger-scale combat where there might be hundreds of drones on the field cluttering the overview
✄ Target Capsuleer: Battlecruisers Battlecruisers and Command Ships Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Battleships Battleships, Black Ops, Marauders Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Capitals All Capitals and Supercapitals Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Capsules Capsules Neutral and hostile Displays Capsules only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Carriers Carriers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Command Destroyers Command Destroyers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Command Ships / T3 Command Ships, Strategic Cruisers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Cruisers Cruisers, Recons, HAC, HIC, Logistic Cruisers, Strategic Cruisers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughts Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Drones Drones and Fighters Neutral and hostile Displays Drones and Fighters only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Fighters Fighters Neutral and hostile Displays Fighters only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Flag Cruisers Flag Cruisers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Force Auxiliaries FAX Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Frigates / Destroyers Shuttles, Corvettes, all Frigate-size hulls, all Destroyer-size hulls Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Interdictors Interdictors and HIC Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Logistics Logistic Frigates, Logistic Cruisers, FAX Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Recons Combat Recons and Force Recons Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Stealth Bombers Stealth Bombers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Supercapitals Supercarriers and Titans Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Supercarriers Supercarriers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✄ Target Capsuleer: Titans Titans Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
âžČ WarpTo: Dock Stations, Citadels, Refineries, Engineering Complexes All Enables warping quickly to a station or structure to dock (ignores docking restrictions)
âžČ WarpTo: Jump Stargates, Jump Gates, Wormholes, Acceleration Gates, Conduits All Displays only the objects to warp to that can be used to jump to another system or to a site pocket
âžČ WarpTo: Point of Interest Global beacons (landmarks, sov structures, cynos etc.) All Useful for exploring New Eden by finding interesting objects that might be hidden otherwise.
âœȘ Friendly: Fleet all ships In fleet Displays all ships in your fleet only

So, first thought

That is a long pop-up menu to spring on newbies, especially under Photon (on the right). Maybe put the ‘General’, ‘Target’, ‘Friendly1’, and ‘WarpTo’ subgroups into their own expandable menus?

Next, ‘Friendly’. Some suggestions (and believe me, this should be in a sub-folder)

‘Friendly: All’—Being able to pull up my fleet is nice, but being able to pull up all of the friendly fleets/ships on-grid is also useful. Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had my fleet’s logistics helping out an allied fleet by being able to watch them (yes, visually look at who is taking fire via the in-game effects and use of ‘look at’) and get our reps on their ships. It’s most viable for allied command ships, FCs, etc (ie: targets with a LOT of buffer), but we’ve saved allied logi wings that way, too.

‘Friendly: Fleet—Flag Cruisers’
‘Friendly: Fleet—Command Ships / T3’
‘Friendly: Fleet—Command Destroyers’
‘Friendly: Fleet—Recons’

Every Logistics lead I know—especially the ones I’ve trained—has some form of these in their overview settings. The fleet’s logistics lead usually isn’t in a command position in the fleet hierarchy, so they can’t open the fleet composition window. But identifying these ships in your fleet within moments of undocking is critical. It is the essence of building the Logistics’ watchlist. In large groups, you need to be able to do this, and you need to be able to communicate it clearly. That needs to be done even in fleets (smaller fleets, fleets moving above a certain speed2, or fleets built around smaller hulls like frigates and destroyers) that don’t use a logistics anchor.

Having these as part of the default build means that new pilots can get practice building their own watchlists before their lead tells them who to watch, and help people feel more comfortable in that role. The more people feel like they have the tools they need at their disposal, the less likely they are to feel overwhelmed by information overload while playing Spreadsheets in Space. :wink:

I’d also consider ‘Friendly: Flag Cruisers’ and ‘Friendly: Command Ships / T3’ as a kind of middle-ground between that list, and the ‘Friendly: All’ above them. They can’t help with a watchlist (because other fleets) but they can help immensely in the scramble of ‘the other fleet’s FC / Booster is being primaried, try to help him out’.

If you’re going to be rebuilding to include things in the default, these should be among them.

Also: When I ‘Open Overview Settings’ and then dock? KEEP IT OPEN, PLEASE. I should not need to be floating around in space to manage my UI. Hell, maybe give me a way to open it while docked, so I can do UI management without having to undock in the first place. :pray:

1. Yes, it’s just 1 item in the current list. Keep reading. :stuck_out_tongue:
2. The faster a fleet goes, the less likely it is to use a split-out logistics wing. The fleet anchor and logi anchor moving in different directions (to keep the logi out of harm’s way) at 1500m/s is manageable. It’s another thing entirely when both groups are screaming away from one another at 3.5k/s. At the slower speed, reps are attenuated after 10s. At the higher speed, they’re broken completely, and catching up to the main body of the fleet can take 30s or more, especially if the logistics group has suddenly gotten out of range of the skirmish command bursts.


Man, that’s a lot of Tab presets
 Are all those presets really needed?

Quite a few of those presets could be combined into one, for example all 3 of the ‘WarpTo’ presents could be merged together with the title ‘Travel’.

Also you have a preset for ‘General: Clean’ but no preset for it’s opposite. There should be a preset for showing all wrecks, can’s, corpses, LCO/LCS, etc., maybe call it ‘General: Loot’.

Anyway, didn’t realize this was a major issue for players, I haven’t seen any uproar from players about it, especially when there’s plenty of unfinished or bugged stuff still needing to be worked.

Hopefully this new Overview will allow us players to customize and rename those presets


You’re really planning to just put that huge list of presets under the noses of new players?

You need a much better way of organising and presenting this.



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If you really wanted to make the overview more user friendly you could add a colour picker to change label.


I think that’s what the WarpTo: Escape tab is, with the others being more specialized? But I didn’t check it, so

I didn’t see any preset named ‘WarpTo: Escape’ in the OP

And as for the specialized presets, just combine them into one main preset for that type and give the option to customize and rename it

All I see happening here is CCP changing something that already works fine which nobody has made a fuss about. Seriously, I haven’t seen anybody asking for this change. This just complicates the Overview, making it take longer to understand / figure out how to set it up. Not to mention take up even more screen space.

Just more stuff making this game even more RAM hungry for players computers, just like the recent graphics update. Meanwhile the NPC stations still have the god-awful lighting interiors and some systems still have the messed up fog-haze from the suns.

That stuff should have been fixed long ago

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I think it is not really useful for a new player to have dedicated settings for titans, faxes, supers, and so on. By the time they are likely to encounter those they will have a better understanding of things and can make their own overview (something I always recommend) or grab one of the specialised player made ones.

These defaults should be good for learning the basics of the game and thus limited in number. I do agree with Arrendis that at least all friendlies and all fleet should be among the defaults. More specific versions with ship types only if they can be done as submenues or something to avoid a huge list (especially in Photon that takes even more space than usual).


No, but it’s there on Sisi (as shown in my screenshots). :wink:

One of the big reasons people haven’t been vocally asking for this is because it already exists. The SaraShawa Overview Pack was the gold standard for third-party overviews for a long time, incorporating most of the tabs they’ve provided here. More recently, the Z-S Overview Pack has taken that mantle. Basically everyone in any organization of any size already gets these things handed to them. That includes lowsec and highsec groups, too.

This is literally CCP incorporating fixes the playerbase made a decade ago, and if you haven’t heard people complaining about it, that’s because we’ve been basically trading the bug-fix through sneaker-net for long enough that it’s achieved market saturation. The need to download the packs outside of the client was eliminated when they made it possible to share overviews (both Z-S and my own stripped-down logistics overview pack are linked in literally every logistics channel the Imperium uses, for example), but making it part of the built-in overview just makes things easier for new players. It’s still something that needed fixing, and not by players.

And no, it doesn’t make things more RAM hungry for new players. This is literally something that creates what amounts to a textfile that gets referenced when you undock or change tabs. And the UI/UX team wouldn’t be working on the art team’s projects anyway. Completely different people with completely different skillsets.


Pop-ups? I think better is to put everything in a settings menu for the overview and make it more intuitive.

Never said what team should be working on whatever, there’s one person in charge who greenlights all these un-necessary changes and that person still remains oblivious to all the other half finished poorly implemented changes done in the past.

The recent changes made to the UI still need worked on, no reason to start on another aspect of the UI before fixing the previous changes.

No it doesn’t. It just makes it even more confusing and complicated for new players to set up
 Hell, I’m not new and this looks more complicated to me.

As for custom Overviews, I have an Eve-Uni Overview which I customized to fit my play style. I definitely don’t need CCP’s version of what my Overview should be.

Bunch of BS right there. Each new ‘Update’ CCP implements on Tranquility causes the game to become even more hungry, causing players to lower the in-game graphic settings and play in potato mode.

I’m sure there’s a few players out there with million dollar gaming computers who don’t notice it so yeah, just keep ringing the ‘Happy’ bell for CCP

The changes to the overview don’t use more RAM. There is no ‘this system is more complex under the hood’ to need more RAM. It’s literally just changing the default values in an already-existing spreadsheet.

Everything already is in the setting menu
 it’s just that the settings menu is cumbersome and overly-complex. But fixing that likely would consume more RAM.

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CCP are you trying to stop people from playing by again trying to “fix” things that arent broken ???


It has long been known that the current default overview is not that good and every new player joining a corp will be recommended one of the packs, (SaraShawa or Z-S as Arrendis says above). I agree that for new players it may be a bit daunting and that some of the options should be under subgroups so they are easier to find rather than just a long list that may well scroll longer than the length of the screen.

I also agree with the poster that stated you should build in the options to choose coloured tabs

I use the Z-S packs which to be fair, straight up if you use them all look overly complicated and busy as well, so must be just as daunting for a new player to open up and see.

Perhaps some better documentation/web information on the overview and hints and tips on setting new tabs up would be good, then people that play with the options themselves with more confidence.


the Size column is missing from the current overview and is rarely seen in overview packs. This is because more advanced players already know the approximate size of the entity they are looking at just by its icon (frigate, cruiser, etc.).

No. this is because, the first column (icon) already provides this information.

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Can we PLEASE have the MTU show up as a different color - or allow us to set it? It is such a unique and important item for us doing PVE. Thank you.


On topic of brackets, I’d love to finally see more options on in-space brackets, currently it’s only possible to add distance as usefull info, it would be absolutely incredible if other stats could be added, for example angular speed, velocity, radial speed !

Distance is great, but the rest is equally or even more important to see during pvp without constantly looking on overview itself, which actually makes the information nearly useless because one can’t be constantly looking back and forth, this kind of information needs to be available on inspace bracket, especially considering there is already massive delay (2000+ or whatever miliseconds on avg.) on any action in eve.


Good changes to keep you from shooting your own -10 fleetmates when you’re a newbie.

Step 1: Take ideas of others to make your own or fix things until they’re broken, say, “I made this!”

Step 2: Pat self on back and say, “Job well done!”

I can’t wait for the chance to undock with a messed up overview until I properly fix it myself into something usable. Then dock up and get the DOCKING animation in my face for 10 seconds. Honestly, I can’t wait, so I won’t wait. o/

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