Bring back wider scrollbars

This annoying joke of tiny scrollbars in browsers AND games that started several years ago because of some brainless devs in MS or another company has to stop. Bring back wider ones in menus or at least add an option to customize them according to our preference. Scrollbars do NOT occupy space and they are very useful and also there are people who hate scrolling all the time as i do.

Fortunately in browsers there are add-ons to do so and get rid of that annoying thing, but in games we depend on each company’s devs mood unless the game allows and supports such add-ons. We were just fine with normal scrollbars that did not require surgical precision to grab them for sake.


Belongs in photon ui feedback threads. But I agree; the push for a “minimalist” UI leaves some ease-of-use out in the cold.


Agreed, UI feedback threads or since it’s such a specific and easy implementation, you might want to add it to the “Small QoL” thread:


Definitely agree 100%…

It’s an easy fix to make the game a bit more ‘User Friendly’…

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We were allowed to design our own custom UI in Guild Wars, I loved the flexibility of the old team.

If a CCP dev wants to learn how, you can read about that here.

Assuming a CCP developer would ever visit the forums.

Have fun!


100% agree, i hate this photon UI, its difficult to see the edges of the window too so you can adjust the size.

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Yeah I’m not a fan of super duper thin scroll bars. So thin and minimalist I almost don’t even notice it, kinda wild.

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