Broker Fee in Jita / how us to calculate?are you sure there is no mistake? need help)

dears, I ask you to help. Problem) - how to calculate the broker’s fee in Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant / I used the formula - > 3%-(0.3%* Broker Relations Level)-(0.03%*Faction Standing)-(0.02%*CorpStanding))=1.258%
as a result, I get for my character taking into account Faction Standing, Corp Standing and Broker Relations Level the figure is 1.258%
my Broker Relations Level =5
me Standing on screenshot

, but for some reason, when placing an order in the window, I see 1.29%.
the question is where this 1.29% comes from. is it possible to calculate it somehow. through many calculations, I did not get 1.29. I ask you to share your advice or explain what’s the matter, maybe I missed something. maybe the base fee in Jite is more than 3%. What is the secret/problem?
thank you all in advance. Big Regards SiLl



It’s also base standing and not standing values improved by skills.

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Yes, thank you very much for the answer. we have already figured it out, the bonus from Connections does not need to be taken into account when calculating.

the issue has been removed from the agenda
Many thanks to everyone who answered, and who did not answer, but wanted to give an answer :wink:

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