Broker Relations

Ah, so raw material costs, fees, number of competitors, transportation and taxes do influence prices either? Thank you for that enlightenment…

BTW I think you meant to say “SUPPLY is determined by DEMAND”…try again…

Don’t think.

Great reply…sad that’s all you can muster…

Nothing left to say to a guy who thinks traders can dictate their own prices. Anything beyond two words will be too complicated for you.

He’s right though. If you have no idea what a correct price is, then you are not valuing your own time.

Where did I say " traders can dictate their own prices"? If anything, I said the opposite.

But you keep on with the personal attacks instead of actually explaining yourself…it makes you look real smart.

In all honesty, the game’s economy only resembles the real world economy. Not replicates it.
In this case, Meridan is right: prices determined by market demand first. Supply comes later.

is it the egg of the chick ?

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Just a dinosaur that laid it.


If that were true then you would see items being sold for less than the cost of the materials when there is little demand…but you never do because that would be stupid as you would just reprocess them yourself.

Sellers wont (shouldn’t) generally sell things they have made at a loss so if the raw material cost 10M, manufacturing fees another 1M, transport 1M and sales/broker taxes/fees another 2M, THAT is your starting point. That 14M is your break even number to which you would apply the margin you want to hit.

THEN you look at what the market is actually doing and adjust accordingly if you so desired. If any of the basic costs rise (or fall) then you adjust your final price accordingly and see how that fits with what the market is doing.

…and the initial point to all this was me pointing out that if taxes go up by a point then you have two choices: take the hit to the bottom line or increase your prices to compensate as your margins are more important to you.

Guess, what? This happens every day. Every. Freakin’. Day. Open every region market and check buyout prices and deals history.

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Great…give me a few examples in Jita…Would love to see this.

anything that is cheap.

When people sell bulk items, they are sold to the lower price of the BO that fits.
So if you sell cheap items in enough quantities, people will buy them for very low price. But you don’t care because it’s cheap.

That, and mistakes : people want to sell item to BO, but sell with duration one month and BO has less orders at max than he is selling : his orders remain on the market, but their SO is == BO.

Your premise is sound but I’d argue that is mainly for salvage and other crap one might find in their travels…and mistakes…rather than from dedicated industrialists hocking their wares…

That’s still a proof that we can see

Also, try to run a buyback …

I can see them , at least one per day. And I’m not looking at market.

Try moving out of Jita once in your life.

Or rarely used. Various sensor enhancers or grapplers/bubble generators are barely reaching their price in minerals even on sell orders.

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I don’t live there dummy so how about you STFU. Still waiting for all those examples…

dude. I gave you them.

Yesterday I bought 200M of compressed ore at BO price, that were placed as SO. literally just what I wanted :smiley:
Often it’s small values. Still enough to prove that you are wrong when you believe that it does not exist.

Also, sometimes I force the price down in order to make opponents … hu, competitors screw their prices.

It just happens. The game is just much more complex than “this always happens like this”. The key is to always adapt to what’s happening, NOT to what you want to be happening. I don’t know why you were making that point in the first place (I don’t really care) , but this specific assumption that it does not happen, is false.

You did not give me a single example…I also didn’t ask you either so…

…and again, we’re talking about selling things that you manufacture yourself…I dump crap loot I don’t want or need so…BO prices is not the topic.

Never said that either…it’s what happens the vast majority of the time…Heck if you want to sit here and say that it’s very common for people to sell things they manufacture at a loss then great, please do…at least that would be more on topic…

That’s literally what you said :

There are items being sold for less than the cost of the materials. Little demand or not.
The materials to build compressed ore is uncompressed ore.

Unrelated. You claim this does not happen, while it does happen. Your request for specific examples is just childish. So is the complain that you did not ask ME SPECIFICALLY on a public forum, on a public thread.

unrelated, false dichotomy, and false claims.