Broker Relations

Why? That is what you (as a grown-up) should explain…care to try again?

why do you think it should have a sink?

Now you are making me nervous as you are not only avoiding the question but replying with a question. This is usually a sign that you are not a grown-up.

Care to try again?

sigh… have a good day dude :slight_smile:

As I though…just a whiner with no real substance…have a good one… :wink:

I would relish the opportunity to have a candid discussion on this matter, I just get a bad vibe from your narrative.

It feels very very wrong, and disheartening, for someone using real world monies (a non returnable already taxed commitment) to face a loss on value once transfered into the game to a fictitious fees sink. It disapears. You are paying real world money for what is effectively part binary air.

The ingame value is set by demand so what you can get fluctuates anyway and that should be the only concideration. Where you sell it could be irrelevent now its vaulted.

I would however genuinely like to know of any sound rationale for having a cost to selling the PLEX in game. Could be a plethora of good reasons I’m simply not seeing.

No it does not.

Just because YOU want to feel cheated does not mean you were.

Nobody gives a ■■■■.
You are making up a morale just to make your point. THAT is dishonnest.

Says the guy what led off with the whole condescending “adult” comment…you reap what you sow.

You are pretty much asking for a pay to win style system where RW money turned PLEX is treated differently than other PLEX and for that matter, all other marketable assets in EVE. The point you are really not getting is that the “fictitious fees” are in a world that you are entering willingly. In that world, there are rules and one of them is tax.

Anyone that used RW money for PLEX is in return getting a HUGE advantage over one that doesn’t…For apx $5 you can fund a solo Frigate jihad for weeks (months?), But if you choose to convert RW to PLEX then to ISK then you pay a tiny price…in game…(and there are ways to minimize that too BTW)…

You are literally complaining that it should be easier to “pay to win”…and as Anderson accurately put it, nobody is going to rally around that flag.

BTW, I don’t think EVE is pay-to-win, I just used that phrase as it’s the only one that fits…In reality buying PLEX with RW money is just hitting the easy button…nothing wrong with that either IMO…

I would say it’s due to less market trading, especially between hubs. I have dropped from actively trading about 2000 items down to 4 items.

Myself and a couple other players took up a challenge to make Hek and Rens a bigger marketplace than Dodi. We were able to get both Rens and Hek near 10 Trillion market value (and rising) before the market change, but the relist fee gutted our efforts. In only a period of 2 months, both have dropped down to around 8 Trillion market value. Once our current orders run out, that number will drop even more. It’s just not worth the risk to be in those markets anymore.

Here’s where someone comes in and says “Good, more for me.”

Both Rens and Hek are low(er) volume markets. You may have items that only sell 1,5, 10 or 20 per day. Players want a “one stop shopping experience”. If you can’t supply a good range of items, your wasting your time and tying up large amounts of isk. I had over a Trillion in sell orders in both hubs before the change and was happy with the slower pace of sales. I am down to about 200 billion now and waiting for those orders to expire to move them back to Jita. It is now a death sentence to have a broad range of items in these markets.

The only way this new system works is to sell volume items. That leaves only 3 viable markets (realistically), Jita, TTT and Amarr. CCP has destroyed any chance other regions could create a serious trade hub. There is too much risk of orders getting stale.

There were 2 excuses for this market change, to fight botting and whiners complaining about 0.01 isking. From what I am starting to see, bots are back in Jita. As far as the whiners are concerned, I didn’t like the 0.01 isk battles either, so I left Jita for other markets where I made just as much isk and did not have to fight the crowd. CCP caved to weak players and in the process created a very unrealistic market/trading game, compared to other games of the same genre.


This change on broker tax is a total non-sense.

It is based on a non-sense
First it assumes that the optimal way to make money is to sell at a lower price than other : WRONG. Omg… That’s a total non-sense… The optimal strategy is to sell your goods for the highest price your client is willing to pay.
If you priced your item correctly (educated pricing?), your item will be sold eventually. If you priced it too high you wont sell it at all. If you lower your price, you lose money…

The broker tax will hand the advantage back to those who make educated pricing calls
I never heard anything more stupid. Everyone will continue to do exactly how they were doing : those dumb trader like me will continue to place their order on the top of the book. And those educated person will continue to place their order where they want. And if demand is strong enough, those smart people will eventualy sell for a higher price than I did.
But, however educated was your price, if production was too high or demand to low it won’t sell. And then you will have to pay the broker again if you want to meet the demand. And over and over and over until it sells and for everyone.,

The truth
Those depending on the market to survive (some industries, missioners, FW, escalation, traders) will continue to undercut because they need to sell and if taxes cut to much in their profit they will go ratting (or do escalation), and if they don’t want to rat they will leave the game.

How to address smartly 0.01 bots (if it is an issue at all)
Give everyone the opportunity to bot! Implement a new type of order that automatically 0.01 until a certain threshold… It is not science rocket, the exact same feature than a RL broker provide… But well it probably requires some educated developer to do it…

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Gradually, more and more goods are being delivered to TT instead of Jita. About ten percent of my buy volume ends up at TT now. Sometimes I even sell stuff there. If the thing stays up for another couple of years, it will get enough volume that what gets bought there gets resold there… and then the whole market will move practically overnight. Should be fun to watch.

CCP clearly doesn’t understand their own game.

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Hi, Stupid question what/where is TT?

Perimeter - next to Jita

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I believe they meant TTT or Tranquility Trading Tower, a player-owned market hub in Perimeter.


Grade: A.
Category: Stupid.
Expiry: Never.

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C’mon CCP, change this 1-10 item madness into something different.

Exponential broker fees are just like the White House using the Pentagon to clean up the streets instead of treating the root of the problem (local incentive). You’re swinging a 20 kg mace at calculating, mischievous rats, and the only folks who really suffer are the family businesses with smashed windows.

Choking the market with enormous “hidden” fees (since it’s very hard for an average human player to calculate or predict) only makes it frustrating for a sizeable chunk of playerbase, and without a healthy economy, not even the pirates and faction warriors will flourish. You need surplus ships and booty to have ships and booty to sink.


Increase your prices if you need to…

Are you serious? Prices are determined by market demand.