Broker Relations

It’s irrelevant.

Your argument states that you can lose your stuff in player owned markets. It’s wrong wrt TTT.

You absolutely right , but relating to the standing all the advantages are gone .

  • refining ( standing = 6.66) : player station better served
  • creating a jump clone ( standing = 8.0) : cancelled
  • creating your office : gone too

all the things related to the standing are not worth the trouble .
That is a part of the game CCP never want to invest anymore …

By “market activity” I mean “where are orders placed”, because that is where the broker fees, sales tax, etc. are paid.

CCP wants more of that in player stations, and less in NPC stations.

CCP doesn’t care where the actual assets being bought/sold are located.

Love this change.

Had a competition with a market bot. The bot had a big stack, and I had just one unit. I kept modifying the order until both of us lost the entire value of our stacks, except the bot lost much, much more total ISK.


Wait till bot updates itself and start putting 1 item sell orders all night, and see who is gonna get tired first. Wait till bot learns how to minimize imapact of broker fees, wait till bots learns what are best stacks ( 1 item, 10 items, 20 items) and start putting 'em on market.Wait till bots learn how to count how many times some order is beeing updated so far ( as sure as hell, anyone will not sit down and count how many times you change price on stack.
Bots are getting even bigger adavntage over real ppl now on market. Ofc you can kid your sell and thing that you own bots now, but reality is quite opposite now. BOT will own you like never before. Before you had a 5 minute window to beat bot, know you lost that time window. Bot simple will drive away real ppl with agressive price and guess what will happen after.

I tell you already : the bot.
It will get removed by its user, because selling 1 of tritanium every minute is not really worth it.

They can’t. Anyhow that makes no sense.


Bots always had an advantage, now it’s reduced because they can’s spam modify anymore.

While some things you said are questionable, yes, bots still suck.

This is why, as someone who both uses the market legitimately and knows how to create bots, I’m in favor of extremely drastic actions, such as requiring captchas for market order updates. You can get one “free” update per order let’s say every hour, but past then, find the traffic lights or pick out the fire hydrants, mother-f*.

ccp doesn’t have manpower to tackle main issues in EVE, to make meaningfull new areas of EVE. At this point they ‘nerf’ everthing and hoping game will live next month, hence these patches which are basicly tweaking some database entries. Last meaningfull addition to EVE is Sansha Inucursion and derivates drifter incursions and derivate of derivate aka triglavians.
Hence this market patch, simple lets nerf trading to the ground in the name of making bot lives harder, and real player even harder. AT this point probable they just maintain game for few extra months. Hiding behind this making healty ecosystem is just a scam, like those margin trading scam ppl used to pull on new players just like CCP is pulling this scam on new players.

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You thought the market update was nerfing missions and plex running? Ahhh yes… inb4 the 20% resist nerfs coming tomorrow.

The 4.75%, what is this percentile?

[quote=“Meridim, post:2040, topic:221752”]

I tell you already : the bot.
It will get removed by its user, because selling 1 of tritanium every minute is not really worth it.

He is correct. You are assuming that the reason one could not compete with bots is still the “always having highest buy order/lowest sell order” game. That disadvantage has been removed and another disadvantage has been created. A disadvantage that that real players (station traders) can not overcome.

They can’t. Anyhow that makes no sense.

This is exactly and only reason why bots exist everywhere in the real world, to do tasks that is hard and/or time consuming. How his comment make no sense to you, makes no sense to me.


Bots always had an advantage, now it’s reduced because they can’s spam modify anymore."

They can spam modify as long as it is profiterole, and when it is not profitable or comes close to not being profitable, the same will be true for real players. The rules of profiting has not change.
The advantage they have is time saved extended to the number of items they can spam each minute/hour/day.

While a player calculates an item (from a portfolio of hundreds of items) the bots will have the highest buy order/lowest sell order, and when a player has revisited their calculations for a specific item and made the change the bot will immediately notice the change and adjust.

I don’t know if you are station trader or not, but if you are, in the coming weeks/months there will be a spike in the price for items. This will be due to the nature of high frequency trading that will be simulated in EVE market by bots. This kind of fast trading can only be done by players with few items in their portfolio and with big wallets (price manipulators) and bots.

If you are not a station traders then you and CCP will notice the price increase and from what we have seen in the past, they will try to solve the problem with new measures.

It is the minimal broker fee + minimal tax transaction on a npc station ( 2.25 + 3 )%
with max skill/standing
and if player station minimal ( 1 + 2.25)% with the risks of player station ( access, …) and accounting at 5 .

so you right definitly not 4.75 ( mean = 4.25 :smiley: )

Because that’s something that is not available and not interesting at all for a bot in the first place.

No they can’t. It’s much more complex than that, if you let a bot do that you will lose money. A lot of it.

It is unfair because a competition of citadel-based markets is impossible. TTT will always be the only one authorized by some big coalitions, all others citadels which appear in the area are destroyed on sight and there is nothing that normal alliances can do.

That means that CCP is schizophrenic. They want to raise the market sink but at the same time, they made sure that a part of the fees move from Jita… to the wallet of said coalitions (CCP don’t like them but still help them… whatever), money that could have been removed from the game if not for their lack of vision.

The relisting modification is there only for this reason, to compensate their error which made TTT more and more used by players and so get a part of the ISK back. The bots are just an poorly thought excuse to try to get public acceptation on that patch. The worst is that it will make TTT even more used because the smaller broker fees permit at least one relisting without losing money compared to Jita broker fees alone. CCP will have what they want… for a few weeks until most of the market transactions is done in TTT and I wouldn’t be surprised if the market sink finally returned to its pre-patch level after that as we will stop relisting and stop using Jita.

CCP would have done better if they would just reduce the fees of NPC stations so that we would use TTT less frequently, and if there are really a problem of botting, set the timer for any relisting far longer than 5 minutes…

Always badly-thought changes to compensate badly-thought changes… Work as usual - CCP ™ ® ©

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I am sorry, I believe the stats. I put my orders up for the maximum time and only do something if they expire.

Bots got adopted to new market rules.
Soooo instead fighting 0.01 isk bot now i gotta fight 2-10 items bot which is way worse for me now. Thank you CCP. Good job.

Yes, I saw some suspicious orders too, I wonder if there are bots behind them and I wouldn’t be surprised that it is the case.

At the same time, my spreadsheets encountered numerous calculation errors because buy orders are moving from Jita to Perimeter. It seems that the transition was accelerated by this trading changes, which isn’t surprising too as TTT permit at least one relisting by the spared money from broker fees. People who were too scared to put orders in a destructible citadel begin to move anyway. Money > Risk.

Still, the Transaction Tax sink is losing momentum according to the ISK & Faucet graph of MER March, going under 20 T. I guess it is less expensive to negotiate prices by direct trading but I am waiting for the April one to be sure.

But it doesn’t remove the feeling that at the end, the Jita station will be upgraded for naught. Welp, standard CCP work quality I guess.

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The part I dont quite understand, is if us players have “to much” isk and there is a “massive wealth divide” ccp want to adress or mitigate, why are these player mafias being alowed to monopolize trade?

Bring down trade hub fees (jita, dodi etc) but increase the job cost for industry substantially, also dont allow anchoring in next door systems to the main hubs.

I also really like the idea of seperating PLEX completetely from the ingame market as discused resently on TiS ( and remove fees for PLEX sales as it’s totaly not ok to tax something that has already been taxed in RL.



well, I’m not going into how real world tax works mate, thats grown up stuff, needless to say PLEX purchased from CCP requires real world money, this in most cases comes from work, a job. The PLEX ingame should have no fees to set up orders, should have its own trade window and travel from your PLEX vault to the purchasers PLEX vault at the value set by demand.