Broker Relations

@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode @CCP_Aurora how comes is this allowed on the forum ?


Iā€™m not sure if the new modify structure is a positive or negative move in terms of the bigger picture. What I can definitely say is that it hasnā€™t made the market any less of a lottery to date: now, instead of hoping to be the guy whose 01 ISK increase secures the big dump of stuff, you try and set a buy price and hope that no-one comes in over the top with a first order that rubs out your profits just because of the modify tax. I think actually the four digit thing is a really good move - the escrow thing is a bit mehā€¦short term change that will already have lost its effect I reckonā€¦but the modify taxā€¦hmmmmā€¦

I mean it makes trading volume in volatile markets a bit of a lottery, so you would hope that it might have a gradual steadying effect over timeā€¦but Iā€™m not seeing that at the moment. It also makes it much less attractive to chase a low buy order entry price.

What I have noticed, just this week actually, is a downturn in pretty much all my favored stocksā€¦and also, after a few weeks reprieve, I think the bots are gradually returning.

You seem to have no problem throwing mud around yet when others do it to you, tears and cries to the mods followā€¦seems ā€œridiculousā€ā€¦


Please remember the Forum Moderation Policy. Specifically rule 3 and rule 1.

If a certain snarky troll doesnā€™t speak to me, I wonā€™t tell them how little I think of them.

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Of course Bigfoot exists. Just ask Harry Dresden.

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@ISD_Lord_Arranoth what if they donā€™t care about the forum rules ?

The issue I have noticed, is that sometimes there is NOT A SINGLE order for items (in SO) for like 2 days, and then the moment you place an order , one hour after that there are smaller orders placed to just below your orderā€™s price.

Itā€™s an issue because then it discourages you from, well, placing orders since you have to PAY money to tell other people what a correct price is.

I found two solutions that far. Still that seems like a conceptual issue to me.


TV or book?

i donā€™t get it? Why you guys are trying to speak to well known troll on this forum. Just ignore him ( block him in forum settings).

So is there an evaluation of this change?

I came back to the game 4 weeks ago and - in order not to make a hasty judgment - I tested the market for 4 weeks. I think the change is terrible. We now have a farmers market that is no longer alive. The market is so sluggish that it is no longer suitable for gaming ā€¦ it is boring.

And why all this? If you have 10 or more days to buy or sell your stuff, you could simply wait until the long-term price fluctuations met your price even before the change ā€¦ So just to fight bots? There could have been better ways ā€¦

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Of course it is a terrible time to return to the game. If your gameplay involve selling anything to the market, do like me

  • Stop plex your extra accounts
  • Sell your capitals, ore and everything that can be sold on contract
  • Use buyback program to work around the fees
  • Cancel your subscription(s)
  • Play Wow classic or Albion until CCP fix their game

If you do that you will be in good shape for when market will be fixed. In order to do business you need a working capital, donā€™t ruin it now doing tests for CCPā€¦

Players hate so much the market changes that today, they prefer to wait 4 hours in a line to do an incursion with WTM rather than having to sell anything on the market.

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: This change is ā– ā– ā– ā– , sorry. This toon was and always has been a station trader and I did it without botting and without the margin scam(to be honest, I never quite understood how it worked, but I get it in theory) anyway, youā€™ve essentially removed this toon from being a viable option after a 14 year history with EVE.

I just came back from a break, and to find these changes out the hard way is frustrating. I shouldnā€™t be mandated to read through a year of updates to come back and enjoy the game. While talked about perhaps on the forums, there is nothing in game that denotes that this characterā€™s primary way of EVE life has been removed while other tool tips have been added in other areas to show the calculations and this was left out. Why is there no notice whatsoever? It was only through 2 weeks worth of trading that I couldnā€™t figure out why my spending was outpacing my income despite very lucrative trades!?

At itā€™s core, this concept is a stupid and nonsensical way of dealing with what the problem was, and if you disagree, Iā€™d like to be your stock broker. My current brokers fee expenditure is over 18% of my current expenses breakout and thatā€™s ludicrous. In roughly 2 weeks, Iā€™ve has 5.9 billion worth of expenses and more than a BILLION in brokers fees on what I would call as pretty moderate trading activity in the last 2 weeks . So the constructive part -

  • There should be tool tips and a clear notification (perhaps a color change) to the brokers fee and what makes up itā€™s amount for people returning or just getting into trading

  • Another way to keep botters at bay, should be developed as we were the ones that kept market prices at bay as this plan clearly lacks creativity - it punishes the masses to deal with the few. It hurts all capuleers; non-traders, and traders alike.

  • The ā€œBrokers Feeā€ in the expenses overview should be further broken down into ā€œrelistā€ and ā€œbrokersā€ fee, so those of us that want to analyze the data can actual more carefully weigh our relists - this is a simple easy fix.

And lastly Iā€™ve be curious to talk to some other traders and see how youā€™re dealing with it? Just not as many edits? more data? seems like there should be another way to handle this.

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Things change (for the good and/or bad) deal with it.

Adapt or dieā€¦


Adapt or dieā€¦

Translated into the gaming industry : adapt or give your money to another gaming company

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ā€œthis will provide some incentive for order changes to happen less frequently and with more consideration .ā€

4 months later and most people are still just posting new orders 1 tick higher/lower then the previous one, relist fee is useless and should be removed.


It was never meant to eliminate relistingā€¦

This is like politicians fixing everything with new taxes and a stimulus check. Creativity is punished and the system barely changes.

WTF does creativity have to do with this? How well you can make your bots seem human?