Broker Relations

And proposed changes You applaud so cheerfully hurt null sec and deep pocket players how exactly? Average highsec player will be hit much much harder. Stockpiles allow to weather market price fluctuations without need to relist orders, deep pockets mitigate margin trading skill loss, and full vertical integration of production chains reduces exposure and necessity to interact with market to just selling finished product at big margin without worrying about intermediate inputs.

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Sorry but you are the one bringing it. Also you claim it could be a alternate solution to the patch.
It’s a completely stupid idea, whether it’s from you, or you are just playing the echo chamber.

You are not. It benefits players who take that modification into account, like any modification.
Whether they are bots, or actual players.
What’s more, it removes a field of activity that had the most benefit for bots : relisting your orders. So no, it does not benefit bots the most.

He won’t. Average highsec player doesn’t update their orders often, according to the CCP page.
Seems like you have set all your skill points into “missing the important parts”, instead of “reading comprehension”.

Getting rid of 1000000.01 ISK nonsense is good.

I have mixed feeling on relist fee. One free relist per 24 hours would hurt bots enough IMO.
It crossed my mind, having a skill “Market Hacking” allowing to play a hacking game on very hard level to insert extra relist once in a while might be fun, if losing means canceling the order entirely (and losing broker fee).

There was no need to kill Margin Trading entirely. It would be enough to ensure that escrow is big enough to cover at least one transaction and cancel the order if escrow can not be refilled after the trade. The result would be single-item trades can not be set up with incomplete coverage. Two-item orders would require 50% coverage and 24% coverage can be achieved at 5+ item orders. If minimum trade amount is set then escrow would have to cover entire minimum trade value.

Yes, it seems more fair to refund skill points invested into the skill rather than putting these into another skill. Players can handle getting the new skill themselves.

No. Complexity costs a human more than a bot. The average player is even less likey to pay the cost and the bot will dominate. Some market players will not pay the cost and give more to the bot too.


No it does not.
The average player does not care about this update.
Only bot-players actually care. Because it removes their stupid activity. So you can mine salt here. The kind of salt you just spread with your stupid nonsense “it benefits the bots more”.

No arguments there.

Yes argument there. They were in the post before, so now if you did not read it, I understand that you keep posting stupidities.

I don’t bot in the game but everything outside is automated. Makes for easy isk.

You cry like you were actually botting ingame.

Come to think of it more of a proportion bots will probably drop out than players. Which is a good thing in the lesser evil sort of way. Less bots and less players should be good for everyone left.

CCP probably want to reduce the volum of isk in the game

According to the MER ( january)

Mining : ~ 20T
Bounty : ~ 44T
Trade in JIta : ~ 556T

CCP have already taken measure against Mining, nerf several time the bounties
Considering the gap between the trade and any particular source of income in game
taxing more the trade is their only and last way.
the argument of “fight the bot” or suppress the margin scam is just an excuse, even the 0.01isk war is not a valid ( instead of 0.01 isk it would be 0.01% of the order)

Taxing the trade is also a way to taxe anyone, forcing them to get rid of their loots/ore through buy order.
The BO is the next target of all traders, with the margin skill gone => fewer traders ( especially on expansive items ) .

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Bounties are ISK faucets, they generate new ISK all the time. Trading without taxes would be ISK neutral. There is no new ISK generated in the same item changing hands multiple times but its value will increment trade volume multiple times. And if You take taxes into account then trade tax and broker fees are actually a major ISK sink. Check sinks and faucets graph in the same economic report. CCP wants to increase this ISK sink by increasing taxes and adding new fees. They seem to forget that if they overtax open market transactions then people will simply move to contracts or direct trades or move to completely different income generation activities thereby decreasing overall trade volume and tax revenue (see Laffer curve concept) I didn’t understand anything again. +;) )))

That’s seems like the goal, actually.

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… and you don’t think bots are much more efficient in doing this in a much higher scale?

So far this strategy outlined by you worked for humans, because it was different to the bots’ strategy. Now only one strategy to trade your stuff is left. The new rules drastically narrow down the solution space. And guess who will be better in playing the new game? Bots!

The more complex the rules are and the less options exist to make profit, the better for bots. They need to be programmed ones and never get tired of instant calculations.


I think it’s unrelated.
Whatever you do, if a bot can do it it’s more efficient than a human.

The issue is not to prevent bots from being better than human : you can’t. The issue is, to reduce the gain from boting compared to human activity. What distinguishes a bot from a human is the ability to be constantly aware of the surrounding, to make close-to-instant reaction, and to never make a mistake (wrt his programing). Where they compete with human, is in the interaction with the game, that is the second part : make close-to-instant reaction useless and you kill the botting benefit.

As I wrote here I think more changes are needed to really fight the bots (namely switch to a system with min and max prices for both SO and BO)

That is not really the aspect I want to point out.
It is about what the traders would get in their pockets.
They nerf the ratting ( pve in general) , the miners recently (ore rarefaction, after the rorkal nerves= plural nerf that impact the manufacturer also).
the intent could be player with less income might try to buy more plex ,sell it will little return with the new trade system : “like a scone to feed two birds” :wink:

@ Tipa Riot completely agree with you
The grunt job in the manipulation of order does not need particular intellect ,
if they kill the bot activities that means they kill the traders doing it manually
That one reason nobody like the bot, they are doing a better jon than us .

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It’s not really nerfed.

Not yet really. Wait for moon change.

You seem to forget that the value of plex depends on the ease to acquire isk. if isk production is reduced generally, then plex price will go down too.

Since there is no measurement here but the value is set by the typer, are these significant figures at all? There is no issue of accuracy.

You said:

The amount of ISK traders keep in their pockets has nothing to do with overall volume of ISK in the game. It comes from bounties generated by CCP out of thin air. It is not generated in trade. Traders just get to keep fraction of it when PvE players buy new stuff to blow up. And they will continue to do so and keep their existing ISK. No sane trader will make ISK negative trades. Neither will any producer. So ultimately all cumulative taxes will be paid by end customer.