Think you missed the fact the comparisons are of the same module just T2 vs Faction.
So the T2 Trig remote armor repair will always give more repair than the Perun.
512hp + 150% = 1,280 hp base for the T2
512hp + 150% + 500% (max skill trig bonus) = 7,680 hp for the T2
496hp + 150% = 1,240 hp base for the Perun
496hp + 150% + 500% (max skill trig bonus) = 7,440 hp base for the Perun
Add to that the massive fitting requirements (165 MW above the T2 version) and higher activation cost (51 GJ more than the T2 version), for a rare item and comparing how other faction items of other modules, all faction modules are better than T2, where the Perun massive disadvantages seems out of whack.
This is the complete opposite to the Trig Faction and office turrets.
And do say because it has an extra 500m range justifies the lower HP repair and massive fitting cost and running cost. As its not a big advantage.
As you can see an extra 800m-1km doesn’t justify 40hp-240HP lower repair and a huge power grid and CAP use.
Think about to what you have remove to fit the Perun to a ship, where you could mount on a ship with the T2 better items, 165MW on cruiser allows for a lot of good modules to be fitted.
Basically i noticed this issue after spending 10x the isk above the T2 to get the **Perun, **only to find it was worse than the lower Scope version.
A response i got from CCP was it was designed like this, but after i pointed out the above nothing else was said from CCP.
And the last bug report is over a month old and still untouched by CCP.
Fair enough, but look at the prices.
For half the price (I found the Bold button!) of the T2 and still less than the Scoped, you can get a module that’s a not quite as good from a fitting perspective, but does does more HP/cycle than the scoped at a greater range than both.
It doesn’t seem to be in a bad place. Faction doesn’t mean Expensive/better, but does fit a niche. I can still see a reason for it.
Oh, and you’ll be waiting a long time for a response to a big report. As CCP have already told you (fun this bold game!) - they don’t unless they need more information. That’s quite common for bug reports.
Still, you can keep posting here - it might keep you happy.
Yeah, people will have spent money on it because they foolishly thought Faction = lot better => expensive. Without realising that it is a niche module. But people are stupid like that.
I’ll go with CCP that it is balanced - it does have a role I’d think of using it if I had the fitting space. I’d even want to look if I can make the fitting work even if I can run a T2 fit. The T2 module is 40m ISK on a 75m ISK hull - you quickly end up with quite an expensive ship.
If you’ve been the cause of people wising up to the real position of this module then all credit to you - but this isn’t a bug.
There’s other “not as good as T2” faction modules - some of the hacking analysers for example. I can see a role for them, but don’t use them myself.
T2 fit is miles better than any possible Perun fit, and that’s been tested on both logi cruisers (t1 and t2), even a cheap fit with the scope allows for a better fit, for near idealical HP repair as the Perun with only less than 1km range distance with max skills.
As i see it the Perun has no real neche the range benefit isn’t that huge of a difference from the T2 or even the Scope, and both of these offer similar and better HP repair for lower fitting and cap use.
Perun really only better than the T1, but even the T1 offers better fitting options and much cap cap use.
well you gain 3km rep range. Considering there is no falloff that could make all the difference in the world under the right circumstances. That said, yes it seems a rather niche advantage to give to such a module but what we have is what we get I guess