Burst jamming Cancer

Eve is dead.

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Removed some posts. Play nice with each other or thread will be closed.

Yeah. I think there might have been other, better nerfs available.

Such as, for example : making it so your own ship’s turret/missile accuracy plummets to zero while you have an ECM active. (So they can’t hit you, but you can’t hit them either.)

Something like that. Rather than make it completely useless for solo (but fully as useful as ever in gangs.)

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That’s not the point, the point is that you can fit this on bubble immune, instawarping interceptor, thus committing to literally nothing, not putting you at any risk, but you do get to counter a whole group of ships that are trying to toast a node.

Either increase align time by a few seconds if you fit this, or remove bubble immunity if you fit it, or remove it after you fire it.

Maybe that whole group of ships trying to toast the node could bring an instalocking frigate to catch the interceptors. And remote sensor boosts to decrease the effectiveness of those ECM bursts. And place your toasters far away from eachother so that only one is bursted at a time.

Wait, I’ve said this before.

Ah yes, let’s bring 1 extra sebo ship per toaster, a bunch of instalocking inties (that get burst jammed anyway) for 5 burst jamming instawarping inties.

Oh wait, your instalocking inties don’t do anything since these inties warp < 2 seconds, so that’s already useless.

And you now brought 10 useless ships & players to a fleet to counter 5 enemy ships, and the enemy ships aren’t even dead, they’re doing the same. You only increased your “ods”.

Like, can you stop replying to this if you clearly do not understand the issue or have any idea of how this warfare works. Nobody likes this game mechanic, literally nobody.

This thread already contains a remote sebo fit that can boost all your 5 toasters at once. And you just need one instalocker to catch interceptors one by one, you don’t need 5.

So that’s 2 extra ships, not 10.

If you can manage to bring 5 toasters and I assume a small fleet to defend them, you surely must be able to bring these two ships as well.

Honestly, ECM bursts should be removed for no other reason than their ability to generate extreme lag.
Consider the following scenario: 100 Tristans fitted with ECM bursts, all within burst range of each other. Each Tristan is hitting 599 ships + drones with each ECM Burst cycle.
That’s 59,900 Server Calls every 30 seconds.
In heavy TiDi, modules like the ECM Burst can add huge amounts of additional server lag.
s: If you wanted to crash a server node, that’s probably the fastest way to do it. Not that there’s ever a situation in which you’d want to crash a server, nosireebob, that would never happen… /s


Honestly, D-scan should be removed for no other reason than the ability to generate extreme lag.

In a huge fight, every ship can call upon the location of all other ships within 14AU, without module or cooldown needed!

At least an ECM burst jammer takes a lot of capacitor, takes a mid slot, has a 30s cooldown and has very limited range. D-scan however has none of those limits and is available to every ship in such huge battles.


Simple fix: Give ECM burst an actual power grid requirement too big for a ceptor to handle. That way the Bursty bois get to keep their burst, and the but ECM burst nullified cepters are bad bois get their bursty boi ceptor curtailed. Because yeah… sure you can kill them, but they are kinda lame, too. Let’s be honest.

They are lame because they are nullified, not because they have a burst jammer.

I think that’s a bit of a false equivalence.
D-Scan is pulling down information that is already known and calculated.
ECM Bursts are generating new calculations.

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They’re lame for a lot of reasons. Nullified, near insta warp, minimal commitment, and just plain annoying. Not many other ‘ships’ you can stick a dozen dudes in and have as much effect for 30m isk. A good bomb squad is about the nearest equivalent, if you nail all your bombs.

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Yeah… About your statements, seems like you were dead wrong.

Nope. I was still right. There is a lot of counterplay against burst jamming interceptors.

But it seems CCP wanted to offer even more counterplay. And I’m OK with that.

Looks like this will be addressed in QOL update:

“Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification, making it less oppressive when fit to nullified Interceptors.”

Every major war and ccp steps in with bans & meta changes to get the desired narrative it wants.

Sentry drone assignment alpha, 0lona remembers.

This time Papi has as many subs as you goons, so don’t expect CCP to smite your enemy anymore. Meat shielding with nubs won’t help you either.

Papi, stop crying about ecm burst & fit some insta lock blappers, smart bombs or spread your entosis. Oh look your subscription tributes have granted you a game change, well done.

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You taste salty.

It was a shitty game mechanic with no real counterplay that could be implemented at an extremely low cost and perfect by botters / input broadcasters.

As such this wasn’t even marked as a gameplay change, it’s literally called “Quality of Life”.

Now go spew your salt in Irmalin local or so, it’s the new real delve for goons.

If you read my post I lambast both goons & Papi for doing the exact samething. They have leveraged their subscription force to effect a game change that did have a counter it was just a troublesome one.

I am sorry if you were being input broadcast or bot welped, then no change is needed just bans for, oh wait. Hahha, ccp tackle bottinng, what was I thinking. They’ll treat 20k symptoms before daring to remove the cause of your issue.

We needed a ban for botting & isboxing, we got a ban for ecm.

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