I want to get into doing some industry work and creating some items for myself from scratch without spending anything (as far as practical - I will of course need to spend money to set up reaction jobs, PI, etc.) but I’m having real trouble coming up with an “ingredient list” for my blueprints.
As an example, I’ll use my current target - a Hobgoblin II.
A surface glance at the BPC shows that I need:
1x Hobgoblin I
1x Morphite
1x Robotics
1x Guidance System
1x Particle Accelerator Unit
1x R.A.M - Robotics
But then I need to calculate the materials required for each item.
Yes, I can indeed go into each individual blueprint and item and go through the lengthy process of writing down and adding up everything to come up with a list of things I need to mine, manufacture and produce, but I wonder if there’s an easier way.
Does anyone know of a handy-dandy tool out there that will do all that for me?
In other words:
Is there a tool that will calculate how to make an item “for free” without using the market rather than having to backtrack through blueprint to blueprint and back again?
Thank you, and I hope I’ve been clear in explaining what I’m looking for.
Naskingar, that link to EvE Cook Book is fantastic. I’d like to see it paired with EvE Online - Industry so I could toggle the individual steps expanded or collapsed to it’s easier to follow, but I’m very happy with that site!
Which is totally fine, and if you really want to do that, knock yourself out. Grab Eve Isk Per Hour, toggle it to Raw Materials, and your calculation problem is more or less solved, except for PI.
For anything except the most basic items, you will immediately run into a few problems that aren’t really soluble within your constraints, though. There are certain materials you will need that you will simply struggle to acquire - some will be difficult to get at all, others will be difficult to get in the quantity necessary for any sustained production.
A BOM to scratch build one 10-run, 2/4 blueprint of hobgoblin IIs will be something like this:
Note that the enriched uranium, mech parts, robotics, and guidance systems are all P2 and P3 PI products that are not broken down into their constituent parts here, so there’s still quite a bit more to add for a complete BOM. There will also be some intermediate products left over due to minimum batch sizes of, e.g., fuel blocks (for reactions).