But this boy wants to use Hybrid turrets. Why is everyone talking about misiles? LoL
Merlín Fitting for pve? hope you like pal
its not much difficult. Caldari specialization goes around Missiles and a robust Shield for the most part so 2/3 of their ships avaliable for combat are oriented for missiles.
however, they still retain the use of Hybrid Turrets and their Blaster/Rail platforms usually are the ships with tank bonuses.
you are up to decide which doctrine to take. as for drones, you’re gonna have to learn them anyways because they are a support system for larger ships when fighting smaller targets.
when people talk of Caldari for PvE the Drake or the Raven are the typical picks but nothing stops you from investing on the Ferox or the Rokh. in the end, this is all about taste, you should take a look in the Ship Tree then specialize in one or the other + Drones.
and of course understandd that PvE isnt all about combat missions or ratting. there’s also Mining missions that you can run in a Venture (+ Resource Wars if you only look for the mission payout), Distribution Missions that can be done in an Industrial ship (a properly fitted Tayra can do all of those up to L4) and Exploration (which for the most part only requires an exploration frigate like the Heron)
So, lets say he was a new player, what should he do?
Least someone noticed.
People are recommending missle fitted gnosis.
Rails or Blasters work just fine in PVE
Fit it taking the hull bonus in to account
Railguns/Blasters in the high-slots
AB + Shield Booster in Mid-slots
Damage Mod in low-slots
When you have spare PG/CPU you can start to add extra’s like Shield Resistance Mods, Tracking Mods &/or Scanner (for Lock Range/Time)
Train the gunnery support skills, they help quite a bit
Do the +Tracking first, then the +Damage. you can safely leave +Optimal/Fall-off till last
150 mm rail cormorant
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