Calling All Wannabe Ship Fitting Experts # Theory-Crafting

Calling All Wannabe Ship Fitting Experts # Theory-Crafting

If you think you know what you are talking about when it comes to ship fittings
THEN Join the FABULOUS FITS community discord server.
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Theory-Craft with other fitting enthusiasts
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  • Launching Soon, Seeding Gurus & Fits *

I am interested, but what is the incentive?
Last time I wrote articles and fittings and the whole nine yards, the person ripped me off and paid less than 10% of what they promised me. What is the point of a) giving other people intel, b) not playing EVE actively profiting while I do it, and c) dealing with the endless arguments?

BSB, Minmatar Militia Fittings, etc., are already very good. Why have a server for no centralized activity? How will it be organized?

Sounds like a logistical nightmare to me…

Is it really that difficult to fit ships anymore?

Just slap an Ancillary Armor Rep and gg. Been lkke that for years.

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Have you seen zkill ship losses? People can’t even fit a darn freighter these days. (Will ignore the fact he replied to a 3-month-old post.)

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