Ship fitting reff

So anytime anyone ask about fitting advise people without fail reff Zkill which I do love but for intel only. Why on earth would I go look up fits for ships that were exploded?? I get you could gleam some insight from a pilot pvp fit but if your looking for fits on how to NOT get ganked in safe space Zkill is not a good tool. If you want the best tank fit for a hauler or a miner most of what you will find are fail fits.

I know there are ship fitting tools out there if your looking to plug in all the modules and play around with it and theory craft and some people enjoy that but, not me. I find I use to much time looking for fits testing fits checking prices for fits and at the end spending hours to loose my fit in the next fight. This is why the pvp is said the be boring. Sitting on a cyno for long periods of time windowed out for the hopes a few seconds of pvp or just follow everyone else and become a ganker.

How about using chat GPT AI to allow it to come up with a perfect fit for your ship? Like Max tank or Max dps or Max speed or max ewar or max range or max targeting speed etc. you get the idea. Has anyone tried this before? Guess I’m looking for something to help with getting MAX xyz without spending countless hours digging thru confusing modules and wasted time fitting and testing.

Good fits are like good exploits where they dont share them and keep them secret as long as possible.

That’s an illogical expectation.

There is no one “perfect” fit".

At best an AI could suggest fits. But there are already repositories of player fits you can reference and chose from.


Not looking for the perfect fit just a MAX fit for either tank/speed/dps/align time/yield/bait/targeting range/snipe/warp speed/ and yes there are plenty of what you call repositories all outdated or fail fits like attaching cargo hold optimizers on a Prowler??? or fits on Zkill. Why would I want a fit for a DST or a Prowler or (insert ship name here) that was ganked in high sec? I want the fit that got away.

I don’t mind doing the work it just becomes tedious and repetitive and I shouldn’t have to invest enormous amounts of time trying to get max tank for my Skiff/DST/Prowler or MAX dps for my lvl 4 mission runner. I 100% get pvp has to many variables…that’s what zkill is great for getting the player fit intel so we can do rock paper scissors I can concede to be successful at PVP requires the time but the basic stuff should not.

When you look this stuff up even if you put 2023 or 2024 in the search window you get SHITE from 10 years ago with modules renamed or removed or fits no longer relative. The repository is outdated and ineffective.

Really… I tried to look up the fits for the ships that caused the exploding but couldn’t find anyting on zKill, it’s only good for intel.

There is no safe space, there’s just space. Consider yourself lucky to dock a ship in one piece.

I enjoy the Fitting Window. A lot can be learned using the simulation feature in conjunction with the Compare tool and the Info panel.
I think I would enjoy Pyfa as well but I am not yet at a point where it would make a big difference in the way I fit my ships right now with the SP I have.

I would say it’s considered boring when most the fights are based on ambush with no way to revert the situation. Fleets fights are exciting though.

I would like to continue using my own brain and abilities for as long as I can. A.I can go… well, figure out my taxes and a solution to pollution maybe that would be swell.

That’s part of the game. You want good fits on a silver platter? That ain’t gonna happen.

Corporations have tons of fits to share. You’re not alone on the server, use your social skills.

Zkill is excellent for finding good PvP fits. Don’t know about using it for PvE or industry fits.

To find PvP fits, look for players that get a lot of successful kills in a specific ship, if looking for solo or small gang, make sure the kills are done solo or small gang. Then look for one of their deaths in that ship and look at the fit. No matter how good a fit is, there will be counters and it will eventually die.

There are no perfect fits that will survive every time. Look at the type of ships a fit kills and how they are fit, it will give you a good idea of the type of targets it can engage.

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Thanks for reasonable response but as I stated Zkill is great for pvp intel and you are correct it is great if I want to know a fit for pvp or what the pilot is flying but it isint the correct tool to see who or how they survived the ganked. Zkill is a great for specific fits for ganking or pvp, but my frustration comes with something so basic as generating max shield fit or max Armour fit for xyz ship NOT THE PERFECT FIT bc that does not exist. No space is safe in Eve unless its a npc station and your ship spinning. This is not my first day guys I have been playing long enough to recognize the things I don’t enjoy with the game and the tedious fittings may be perfect for some just not me but such is EVE.

LOL not looking for a silver platter just a platter to help me maximize my EVE playtime FPH=fun per hour I want to be in game doing my desired activity not using outdated tools hoping I stumble on the best fit. I want to play EVE not play PYFT .

LMAO so you want to use your big brain to play a game over solving world hunger? AI is a tool just like PYFT or Zkill or Fuzzworks. I think I will use what few brain cells I have left and figure out a way to use AI to allow me to do more of what I enjoy about EVE and remove what I dont enjoy.

When I say perfect fit I want the perfect fit for the roll. There is a perfect fit that allows MAX tank there is a perfect fit that gives you MAX speed there is a perfect fit that will give MAX dps there is a perfect fit that gives you under 3sec align time, there is a perfect fit for even max cargo capacity should you want that and that is true for every ship in EVE. SO yes there is no overall perfect fit for every roll in EVE but there is a way to get the MAX out of each roll. What I want is a better way to find those MAX fits. I want to play more EVE and less PYFT.

No you cannot have your cake and eat it. Its compromise. You have to take one or the other. You cannot have max this, max this and max that. You have to pick one over the others

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I think you need to put another level into reading comprehension. He understands he can’t have all those things in one fit. What he wants is an easy way to create fits that specialize into each of those areas, though not at the same time on one fit.

If the current fitting tools aren’t good enough, I really don’t know what to tell you. The ingame fitting tool has come a long way, so much so that I rarely use an external tool anymore. I hear Pyfa is also excellent though I can’t personally vouch for it as I have never used it. I still use a personal, hacky build of EFT which I have done my best to keep updated but it is getting to be more trouble than it is worth.

I have used EFT before and I appreciate the effort to help support the community. So are you developing anything with AI? :rofl:[quote=“Sarah Olson, post:10, topic:437012, full:true, username:Sarah_Olson”]
I think you need to put another level into reading comprehension. He understands he can’t have all those things in one fit. What he wants is an easy way to create fits that specialize into each of those areas, though not at the same time on one fit.

If the current fitting tools aren’t good enough, I really don’t know what to tell you. The ingame fitting tool has come a long way, so much so that I rarely use an external tool anymore. I hear Pyfa is also excellent though I can’t personally vouch for it as I have never used it. I still use a personal, hacky build of EFT which I have done my best to keep updated but it is getting to be more trouble than it is worth.

in keeping it updated it’s a good tool along with PYFT

Ship fits in Eve are extremely context-dependent and use-case-specific. You will find AI having a hard time coming up with something useful.

For example, you can ask “Rogue AI” in the official Eve Online Discord to give you ship fittings.

As an example, I asked for the following:

Make a fitting for a Malediction, intended to tackle for a NPSI fleet.

The answer was very broad and general. It gives only a general hint on what you should fit, but if you don’t know a thing or two about fitting, it won’t help you a lot:

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Yea I get it, it’s just like any other tool it depends on how its made how its programed etc… I think the limitations could be based of available data. You can ask AI to write a report or a book based off certain subject matter and it takes what it can find published on the subject and create the report. You ask AI to write a journal on how your days was you get nothing. EVE is no different there is not enough data for the program to draw from and it lacks critical abstract thinking and application solutions limits what it can give you. Maybe not today but my Grandson will be able to use because we all know EVE will NEVER die.

LAMO YESSS Sarah says inject another skill book into reading comprehension. Thank you… I post with the understanding EVE forums is what it is, but it still doesn’t make it any less frustrating seeing people posting answers to questions or comments when is obvious the responder either didn’t read the whole post or didn’t bother to comprehend the post or third is just trolling…you never really know

Oh, you’re one of those :roll_eyes:

Good luck with that.

Yea… Social Skills and Reading Comprehension.

ALL ships can be “exploded”, under the right set of circumstances.

Thanks today is my first day and all. Its almost as if I posted some where the only safe space is in an NPC station spinning my ship.

Yes and this validates my point thank you so much for that. 99% of the kills are shite fits and ganks. Zkill is a great tool for intel to see what someone is flying if they kill someone but if its a good fit for a miner or a hauler or an explore then good chance your not gonna see it. I enjoy Zkill but again I am amazed at how people refer others to this tool for fitting. Many other tools are much better for fitting as zkill is a intel tool not so much a fitting tool. Got to dig thru alot of coal to find that diamond.

I’ll just quickly add that pure optimization for most X/Y/Z in isolation is usually a major failfit, especially if you don’t include various bounding like cost sensitivity. Is it really worth the extra 98.5 billion isk for an estamel’s invuln on your burner mission frigate over a pithum A type. Checking out what people put up as examples gives you a pretty decent starting point and almost always for pve, you have at least 2 or 3 parameters which have a floor that you need to stay over (tank, cap stability, etc) and then 2 or 3 you want to optimize for (DPS, application, on grid speed, warp speed) of varying importance if you have varying skills and where the fits can change deeply based on budget or market on 2 hours notice.

I have to disagree if I am looking to let’s say fit a ship and don’t care if I loose it just like gankers they fit it for for what? Alpha strike and dps. If I am an ice miner and don’t want to get ganked what do I want?? Tank, I don’t care about yield or cost etc I want to survive the gank or make it to where they need more than the 5 alt accounts the guy can multi box.

So there are many ways to play EVE not just one way. Endless ways endless situation’s