Can a orca do this?

Can a orca go into to trig space? I just wanted to know because it isn’t a battle ship or a captipal ship

Why couldn’t it?

I don’t know if it is considered a capital ship, which would stop it from going into trig space

It can go anywhere

Yes. You can build one in an NPC station or sail one in through a wormhole.

The question that should be asked is

“Should I bring my Orca into Trig Space”

Yes, if you want it to die.


C1 wormhole: challenge accepted :sunglasses:

How do we fly the Orca upside down?

An Orca can do far more than you think it can “if” you have the skills. :smirk:

So can a lot of other non-combat ships. :wink:

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The Orca was a lot better before it needed to be locked down and use to be able to fit a 500 mwd

I use to call my Maggie my little hover as she slid over the asteroid belt.

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Rest In Pieces Maggie



Yes, Orcas are not considered capital ships so they can enter Pochven.

It’s way too easy and safe to move an Orca through Pochven this way, because all you need is a couple of filaments and a cloak, filament your Orca (with whatever contents you want to move) to Pochven, cloak up, wait 15 minutes, filament out to HS and you’re in HS from anywhere in the game.

And nobody could stop you.

The Pochven express is too safe if you ask me. Maybe if CCP added a spool-up time to filaments there would be a small risk to this.

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Maybe even a warpable beacon spawning the last 15-30 seconds or such. :smiling_imp:


Using any kind of filament (including abyssals) should

  • have a 30sec spoolup delay before you actually jump. If you are aggressed within that time, the jump is aborted.
  • on exit, a warpable beacon appears in the system where you land and stays active for 30 seconds.
  • after jump, all cloaking devices are disabled for 15minutes, you can begin using them once your timer has expired. This timer is reduced to 5 minutes for Covert Cloaking Devices.

This would add a bit of risk to this magic teleporter at least, so if you decide to go into pochven, you are open for a hunt. Survive it and you can leave. And it would reveal deepsave-abyssalrunners pretty easily, adding more risk to chain-running the hightier sites, especially in HighSec.

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PvP enabled


The pocket filament is good as it is for the smaller corps to jump around.

We already had sand kicked in our faces with how the (power blocks) @Mr_Raven_101 put it on his thread.

Please don’t change the filaments.

Pochven Highway is basically a safe-route for all nullers (hint: part of the big blocks) to move high value items almost riskless to the market hubs of highsec. I can’t see how the changes would somehow “hurt small groups moving around”. You can still do it even with a bit more risky filamenting, just stay active and moving after the jump and don’t just “cloak up, go afk, wait out the timer and jump again to HighSec”. That applies to members of small and big groups alike, the active ones are rewarded, the lazy ones punished.

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Change them or remove them. Pick one.

An alternative inspired by the Frostpackers: Activating a travel filament costs 1 bil ISK. :smirk:



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I request to fly an orca on its side, and a tayra on its side

Have you ever seen 2 Orca’s slap fight it out over the remains of a WH station? No one willing to be the 1st one to bring in combat ships least the situation escalate. :rofl:

How I “creatively acquired” a WH 101. I love my Orca and another underated ship in a combat role is the Noctis. :wink:

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Except I didn’t see any Orcas in that video.